
I propose this be the year that we begin to turn SD Comic-Con into just one giant geek orgy. The Na’vi otherkin should stake out Hall H right away to set an example for everyone else. The other subcultures will quickly find halls of their own to establish territory. Tensions might run high, but hopefully the amount

Always two, there are.

Well, obviously because they’re alienating their core audience for these movies, namely post-adolescent cis white males who have a deep emotional connection to the original Disney animated features, are stuck in an indefinite state of arrested development, and as a result spend most of their free time posting the same

The fact that they didn’t hire seven people who look like this

You know, I’ll admit it, I was very dismissive of the idea that The AV Club needed to move their whole operation to Los Angeles just so they could “be closer to the action.” I thought their Chicago location was perfectly fine for 90% of their responsibilities. But it’s real nice to have them be so close to Hollywood

That’s one reason I always avoid the tall grass

So, like, what are those photos? It looks like somebody caught a wild group of LARPers in a field somewhere.

I vaguely appreciate Michael Rapaport regularly shitting on Trump and his supporters, but man that guy is a bad public speaker. It’s noticeable if benign when he’s carrying his cellphone and ranting, but him sitting down in front of a microphone and not at least rehearsing his 20 second monologue before filming it is

My Reels are 99% cute cat videos with the odd crazy car crash occasionally interspersed. It’s probably the only case of The Algorithm actually serving my needs.

From the guys who brought you Epic Movie: It’s the guys who produced Epic Movie!

I imagine he was more like “...!”

A conspiracy theory that fails to do even rudimentary due diligence to check the validity of said theory? I simply can’t believe it.

Please for the love of god stop using that photo or probably any photo of Sam Altman in these articles. Make an AI rendering of him or something if you need him in the header image, it would almost certainly be less off-putting. Otherwise just use a photo of any old ventriloquist dummy.

 I wonder if Iger would be willing to address shareholders and tell them that they have a level of expectation that is unrealistic.

It may not make a difference for you, but despite being a two parter, this movie does definitively end. It’s not like most recent examples of ending the first half when there’s still half a story left to tell. It seems more like two stories about the same problem. It’s maybe a few shades more explicit about continuity

I swear to god I’ll pistol whip the next guy that says “woke culture”

Some of the best non-Hulk window punching in the MCU so far.

Is the production on animation so far ahead that they have pre-strike episodes? Do they have whole seasons?