Sad Panda's are never good
Sad Panda's are never good
It's ironic that they're up in arms over gays being discriminated against, but don't have a problem with it happening to christians. Because if a christian business owner is being forced to go against their legitimate religious beliefs (meaning they're not just faking it just to deny someone service) then yes, that is…
It seems you are mistaken. A Google search tells me that 1 Corinthians is generally agreed by historians to be written from 52-57 AD, while Romans is also said to be from mid to late 50s; just 20+ years within Jesus' death.
This article is correct in stating that the bill does not really change much in Arizona, but it is wrong in saying that it makes discrimination harder. First of all there is the odd contradictory point that it doesn't really change anything and therefore it should pass. This is a terrible rational for any law, and…
Dude, did you read the article?
Wrong!! It's not your right to force me to photograph your gay wedding when I believe gay marriage is a bastardazation of the institution
ALMOST right. He did not "beg" them to repent. He COMMANDED IT.
I really appreciate your thoughts, but I'd like to correct your notion that Jesus left people to their sinful ways.... There were plenty of times in the Bible where Jesus commanded people to repent, for instance, when an adulterous woman was about to be stoned for being caught in the very act, Jesus calmed the mob by…
Furthermore, it is well established that 'religious freedom' is not an automatic defense to a discrimination suit.
Except the whole point of the law is precisely so that these groups can make time wasting stinks in court about having to serve gay people.
A very good read, thanks for posting. I think the third stipulation included in this bill is an important one:
The Christian Post is actually pretty unbiased despite what you would gather from the title. I'm a little surprised they took the position they did. In my experience they typically don't side with extreme right wing ideas. And this is from someone that disdains religion in general.
Alright I'm not following you I swear, but you actually post good stuff to comment on.
But... but... what about Carpathian kitten loss... command me lord... the Upper West Side... French bread pizza... all those comedic gems! It's so darned quotable!
Rush Limbaugh has been trying to warn us about state paternalism, people. Did we listen? Noooooo. And now they have come for the bottomless brunches. We get the society we deserve.
late last week they already said they would veto this abortion of a bill. apple trying to move in last minute to look like a hero.
Aww it's a decent sequel! The look Ramis gives to the camera here makes it worth a watch by itself!
"Don't look at me - I think these guys are all nuts..." - Venkman
NO! NO NO NO! Ghostbusters II is awesome... ok maybe this is that childhood nostalgia thing Ashley was talking about. But... Peter Macnicol and his character 'Janosz' is awesome. That opinion, I will not budge on that. "Everything you are doing is bad. I want you to know this."
Pfffffbbtttttt. It's perfectly OK.