By all means, proceed with impeaching him.
The grand jury couldn’t find anything so I guess you’ll all just have to make shit up. Gee...what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
By all means, proceed with impeaching him.
The grand jury couldn’t find anything so I guess you’ll all just have to make shit up. Gee...what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
No matter how low I set the bar...someone always stands up and says “Challenge accepted. Here. Hold m’a beer.”
Who cares?
Jesus the way some of you went after the Trump about psychotic.
Boo fucking hoo.
The ONLY reason “trolls” exist is because idiots you et al spin raging spirals of PC idiocy...
You rage, swear, demean, etc...
In other words...y’all “feed the trolls”.
More often than make yourselves looks as imbecilic as the “trolls”.
Oh...and before you inevitably blame President Trump for that Coast Guard idiot Paul Hasson, try to at least do SOME small amount of “due diligence” or “research”.
You forgot to mention how over budget California’s “bullet train”...but then again what’s $44,000,000,000 and 13 years BEHIND schedule, right? At least it’s not Germany’s “Stuttgart 21" program, right?
It’s idiocy like yours that’s helped us amass $21,000,000,000,000 debt load.
Because masturbatory fantasies of idiots like yourselves is far more believable than the live broadcasts out of Venezuela...
Pssst...some free advice...
When someone says “You can’t possibly get any dumber...”
That’s NOT meant as a challenge, okay?
It’s rhetorical!
So quit trying to one up each other!
God I love this site.
Whenever I need to show someone how petty, desperate, and full of hate progressives are...I just send them straight here.
No need to thank me. I’m happy to direct as much traffic to you as I can.
Dear Covington kids.
Don’t forget about to include the folks here at
Came here for idiocy, bigotry, and outright comedy...
Can’t stop laughing long enough to leave the page...
Ah yes...the Obamas.
It does seem kind of racist throwing a black family out of public housing doesn’t it?
Considering he way some of you went after Baron...I think telling most of you “Fuck off.” would be quite apropos.
So...on that note.
And here I thought Smollet said it was “MAGA COUNTRY!”
It would be easy to forgive you, him, and his supporters if y’all hadn’t been so fast to jump on the hate wagon.
Everyone knows y’all don’t give a damn, or a shit, or a fuck about being “forgiven” by anyone with lighter skin...and that’s fine.
I happen to find it MUCH MORE SATISFYING y’all eating all that crow. Oh…
Yes because it’s been proven...PROVEN...he’s full of shit.
You’d think that wouldn’t be the case...unless he’s pitching more than he’s catching.
Anyway, I was the “bleach” that really put the final nail into horse shit story.
It’s not often you see someone hang themselves, but it sure is satisfying to watch.
If nothing else...THIS is a cautionary tale about government idiocy.
Why would ANYONE want government in charge of anything?
The real irony of this great article is that some of the most hateful, vitriolic, vehemently vile, and disgusting comments I’ve come across emanate from the intolerant and hateful minds of those that make up the Kinja media community.
“The Root”, “Jezebel”, “Earther”, et al are echo chambers of like minded narcissistic…