Yellow Cracka

Can we put bomb detectors on muslims world-wide so they don’t blow up any more churches or hotels or schools or hospitals or other innocents?

All french tanks come with a special hatch in the turret for the drapeau blanc

The trailer provides its own plot hole / solution: Just run a noisy woodchipper. Any town with one or two of those is 100% safe within minutes.

I am struggling very hard to understand, as another old white guy, why this is even a consideration. These kids did an amazing thing. Why is race even on your radar?

A doctor, a nurse, and a Texas lawmaker walk into a bar.

So, basically a Space Force makes sense, just not when Trump suggests it.

...and you get to sue, and you get to sue, and you get to sue...

Classic leftist thinking. Let’s double down on the abuse of power with more abuse of power. Has Obama’s abuse of authority setting the stage for Trump’s not taught you the law of unintended consequences?

This was incredibly interesting, thank you for the article and for DMORT’s work. 

So now mentioning that his description of what happened isn’t backed up by any facts whatsoever is trolling?

Matt, the first stones in this road where laid down when Hillary Clinton launched the disastrous Obama era diplomacy with a plastic reset button, which emboldened Putin and resulted in the annexation of Crimea and a war with Ukraine.

Oh God, that story about the person staring at the sun is nightmare fuel. 

Yes, but do we know what soft drink fuels these rebels?

Note to would-be revolutionaries: seizing the radio station does you no good, you must also control the transmitter.

I guess using time travel to tell people not to commit crimes is too much work.

Well, it’s Spike Lee, so of course it’s brain dead.

Do you want robots? Because this is how you get robots.

so the math is; (youtube as example)

I say screw Europe and screw China too for that matter.  These are U.S. companies and they should pull out of both markets in protest.  Let’s see how politicians like angry mobs who don’t have internet.

If Disney knows what they’re doing (which they do), they are likely to “revive” these Netflix Marvel series on their own streaming service, they could pull in fans who want to see more seasons of Daredevil. I personally wouldn’t have bothered to subscribe to Disney’s service, but if they put out more Daredevil and