Yellow Cracka

You mean all the imaginary money in the imaginary bank is gone?

Somebody check the calendar. I think I overslept 15 years!

I don't know about you, but I'm booking my Sea of Tranquility cruise! ;)

"authorities have politely declined to step in and help out". Can't have it both way folks. You wanted unregulated currency, there it is. No regulations, no protections. Don't cry to the big bad corrupt governments you're so keen on avoiding.

I just realized that the pre-war Lincoln looks like Keith Richards.

Life will go on, we will prevail.

Oohhhhh that was a racist usage of a Kinja comment…

Sorry, disagree.

Firefly. Does it really need to be said?

Actually, the film rights have been sold. So hopefully a movie! It would be amazing, though I would think quite different from the book.

Here's an idea: wash your fucking hair, you dirty bastards.

Because of SnatchChat. I mean, SnapChat.

As someone with 75 service stars in BF3, I can confirm the issue with the SU-50 on Caspian and Gulf. I haven't bothered on Firestorm, since I always take the SU-25 or A-10. And before you say anything, my F-35 stats are low because the F-35 is ass. No idea why they didn't use the F-22 for BF4.


Look I get it, you're stupid and have a hard time understanding things outside of your little box, but the fact is the issue is there on the ps4 and PC. If it was on the xbox version I'm pretty sure the issue would have been talked about, oh I don't know, around the time the dlc came out maybe? Which was like 5 months

This sums it up right here "[Reitman] suggested that they ask Ramis to join the cast—and to do a rewrite with Aykroyd that would play to Murray's strengths. "Harold added the irony, the heart, the romance with Sigourney Weaver, and all the adult writing, as well as the structure," Aykroyd says. "And he knew which

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"I'll be right behind you guys, every step of the way."

Time to share our favorite Harold Ramis quotes. I'll start:

Or you know, there actually is a problem with caspian borders runway and/or jet. Specifically the Russian side. Look I get that you've never played it or tried to take off on the Russian side, otherwise you would know there's a problem. The fact is the jets just will not rotate until you hit the ramp at the end of the

Well this is fantastic. Even if it's only for a few maps for a few days, it's still hilarious to watch the hated jet fliers crash and burn before they even take off.

For something that's supposed to celebrate "diversity and inclusivity" it certainly seems particularly exclusive and homogeneous based on the name. Would "Straight Gamer Y" sound inclusive and diverse?