Yellow Cracka

Oh well, yea I knew that, but my point was I wasn't used to Russian (or whatever it was). I live in Florida. Everything here is Hispanic in one form or another. Or Indian. I'm used to deciphering Hispanic or Indian accents. Russian, I was like erm....huh?

One of the startling things I found, is when I did find people working, there were a lot of eastern European type accents. People sounded Russian.

I was in Sidney MT in June, the McDs there was closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays because they didn't have enough people to man the store.

Well, you obviously haven't read Analytical Methods (Anal. Methods)

Ostrich as well. Get thee to a Fudruckers!

I sincerely doubt that Mr. Putin is so courteous on the phone.

Well not that part of the environment.

There is no why. They're Irrational.

And just LOOK at all that global warming going on! Didn't those proto-Earthicans CARE about climate change!?!?!?!

as long as the environment doesn't go into the searing death ray it should be fine....possibly cooked to perfection.

Don't forget that wind farms are also getting a huge pass on protected bird deaths.

The US Army does this.

This is a waste of perfectly good bacon.

The problem I have with partisanship in general, is that it puts me in these situations where I strongly disagree with this and think it is horrible, but seeing PETA's name being tossed around means that I automatically find myself thinking that it isn't so bad, just so I can disagree with PETA.

'Tis bettr 2 reign in Basement, than serve in Ceiling.

Most LGBT people I know will use the term Queer without any issues. I was involved in discussions awhile back about creating an educational LGBT history month in Canada and Queer History was the consensus term.

The collapse begins meters from the cat, which indicates to me the cat did not cause the problem. Any one of those light fixtures weighed more than that cat. If the weight of the cat actually did push the assembly over the edge of collapse, then it was a disaster waiting to happen and would have fallen on people.

Of course blame the cat. We all know it was the dog who threw it there to get the blame.

It's not really political correctness, more a handful of people who are super sensitive. I would rather not upset people if I can avoid it, I guess.