Well...this wouldn’t be Kinja without at least one minority outrage article...
Well...this wouldn’t be Kinja without at least one minority outrage article...
And Hollywood wonders why it’s getting harder and harder to generate revenue? Because they keep caving to racist diversity demanding activists such as yourself. Just shut up already.
Somewhere in America...
Politicians and bureaucrats IGNORING the peasantry? NOOO!...REALLY? Say it ain’t so? NYC is UTOPIA!!
Stalagmites STAND MIGHTily.
Fucking campers...
Sanctions and diplomatic pressure have worked SO FUCKING well haven’t they? And with the Olympics only 7 months away Li’l Kim may very well be salivating at that opportunity. Diplomacy is one of the surest ways to casualties. Great fucking work...
It’s obvious America should NEVER have had slaves in the first place.
And if Madonna had dumped Tupac because of his skin color?...
Post that blames or uses Trump in 3..well that was fast...
Weather forecasts are garbage beyond 5-7 days.
A bullet to the base of his skull would be the most economical way to handle this.
The problem with hyperbole...like the race card...like the word “nazi”...when you ALWAYS use it...it’s meaning becomes meaningless. Obamacare is a dying beast that should never have been given life. It has barely 10 million people using it despite the 20-70 million (depending on the liberal hyperbole of the day) it…
Well...black lives matter...they matter so much they’re trying to wipe themselves out.
I see your “white tears”...
Maybe if black men weren’t ESL and followed instructions they wouldn’t get shot? Just a thought.
Bullshit. No “child” requests this. It’s time for Gozer the Gozarian to pay this planet a visit and end everything.
I know all of you hate President Trump...with a passion...however did any of you ever stop and think that he may actually be listening to his generals? As opposed the previous administration? Hmmmm?....