Yellow Cracka

So Chuk...what happens if the suspect turns out to be an...oh...I illegal fucking immigrant who’s here courtesy of people like yourself?...just curious...

“You are loved and welcomed, but please remain vigilant for the small growing fraction of people who are illegal immigrants who don’t agree with that.”

Turns out it was an illegal immigrant from El Salvador...

I see no story updates...

I’ll probably get flamed for this but here goes:

I thank you for having a sense of humor. :-)

Brilliant come back Bubba! Brilliant!

Well your mom loved me for about 20 minutes. So I guess that makes you wrong by proxy. Good job Bubba Gump!

Isn’t it funny that all the “violence” out there has been perpetrated by like minded minions such as yourself?

LOL! That’s funny. Do you not see the humor in that? It’s awesome and I thank you for it!

Staying classy like almost every liberal out there.

Why don’t you lead by example!

Yes...more proof about how well Gun Free Zones work...

And chances are your “hundred toddlers” would be mowed down in one of you “pwecious pwecious” “Gun Free Zones”.

The gunman was taking down because he was fucking idiot and a lousy shot.

How can you tell the shooter was liberal? 50-60 shots and nobody’s dead except him...

Of course we can also thank Ramadan for all the people that have been murdered by Muslims over the past few weeks.

How can you tell the shooter was liberal?

Your hate keeps me warm, your tears make me drunk with happiness...

So in other hide under the guise of “whataboutism” to justify YOUR acts of hate while denouncing others...gotcha...