
I don’t know why, but for some reason I thought the Rudy G bio pic starred Paul Sorvino.

I was about 15 or 16 when one of my friends from school called me and told me to get over to his house, quick! All he told me was that his older brother brought home an album by a new band that blew away anything he had heard to that point. Sure enough, that debut record by Van Halen was as awesome as my friend built

The Turtle has already made a statement about why he doesn’t see this as hypocritical- He says that in 2016, Obama was a lame-duck who was on his way out, whereas today Trump is actively seeking a second term and if he wins reelection (God forbid) the pick would be his anyway.

I’d rather hang out with Lemmy at the Rainbow than the Hedgehog.


One can only hope that the Smashers of Mouth come away from this unaffected, because if they wind up doing another Progressive ad and wind up infecting Flo, that could lead to horrifying consequences for the insurance industry.

According to Loverboy, it’s the time period that everybody was working for.

I read the same thing about Doug Tenapel, the guy who created Catscratch (a short-lived Nicktoon that was pretty funny at times).

They made such a big deal about the Harry Potter films being on HBO Max when it launched, and now they’re dropping them from the lineup in late August? Oh well. I’m glad to see the Harley Quinn series is coming soon.

I don’t know if anyone else noticed that in Episode 3 when Perry and his partner are at the burger stand, the Heinz ketchup bottle seemed to be, let’s say, from the future. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great show, but an anachronism like that kind of took me out of the scene for a bit.

Does anyone know how many episodes were shot before the pandemic shut everything down? Were they able to film the whole season?

She is the reason I stuck through all three seasons of Sneaky Pete.

Honestly, I think she should have been cast as Nancy Spungen in Sid and Nancy instead of Chloe Webb.

Oddly enough I got into watching Wings when it aired of Armed Forces Radio and Television back in the mid-’90s. Two episodes that stand out are one where Roy passes out while singing the National Anthem at a Red Sox (?) game, and another where Lowell tries to impress folks at a party with his piano skills, but he only


Eh, if anything Trump is more like Harold Lauder or The Kid (from the expanded book).

For some reason I thought the actress that played Kim’s mom was the same one who plays Flo in the Progressive ads.

That weekend was so surreal, especially when WWE ran that live memorial to Chris Benoit in place of Monday Night Raw. If I recall, the program hadn’t even ended yet when the news broke that it was actually a murder/suicide instead of a triple homicide. By the next day you would never know that Chris Benoit was ever

For a second I thought you wrote Mr. Rogers is stoned whenever he watches anything, and that brought up some whimsical yet unpleasant images...

“Here is the filthiest catbox in Glasgow...”