
Something I just realized after finishing this episode: Jimmy is always at his most vengeful when people attempt to hold themselves accountable. Note how his true rage at Howard started when Howard confessed that he felt responsible for Chuck’s death. When Kim comes in to sign the divorce settlement, his performance

It occurs to me that many of you reading this are young enough that Watergate is a story from the distant past for you.

While I still haven’t watched the movie, I spent the past week watching every episode when I could. I cant believe I waited this long because holy crap is this show amazing. Its hard to pick my favorite but right now its a tie between the Colin Robinson ep of season 2 and the Atlantic city ep a few weeks ago.

He’s awesome in the supporting role in Casino.

The whole season is complete, 8 episodes. I believe it was filmed last fall.

I watched about 30 min of this episode this morning and turned it off. I couldn’t start the day being so angry.

That’s like when Ben Johnson won 50-meter dash gold for Canada at the Olympics and became a national Canadian hero and then tested positive for steroids and suddenly became a Jamaican sprinter the next day.

And didn’t Vince McMahon get “blown up” in his limo just the week before? It looked like WWE was about to start a huge murder mystery, before the tragedy nixed that storyline. 

I came here to post pretty much that same thing. It went from hes such a legend to Chris who? Real fast

I could not Agree with you more, when he tells ted danson “ you dont have to call , if your plane crashes we will all hear about it” i spit up my drink ... very funny episode

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How did it take this long for us to get a Marvel’s Mrs. Maisel crossover?

Honesssssst Abe

I get angry every time I see the house in the GMC commercial with the couple in their late 20s/ early 30s living in a million dollar modern mansion and he buys them matching GMCs because her matching watches for the hell of it. Who is this supposed to appeal to? 

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

I didn’t start watching Star Trek: Voyager until its third or fourth season, and watched the shows out of order. Deep Space Nine had debuted two years before Voyager, and had so disgusted me that it turned me off of Star Trek in general.

But when I finally gave Voyager a chance, I felt redeemed by it because it had the

She didn’t need a dude. She needed a person who knows and deeply cares about her.  That person happened to be a dude, and one who’s awesome.

I mean, rapey-ness and #MeToo elements aside. I don’t really need a Christmas song about fucking being sung by my kids.

William Jacked Harper.

I’ll see myself out.

While Chidi was questioning his life choices, I too was questioning my own as a straight male once he took off his shirt.

Are we getting to the Sopranos point, where people watch and then complain it's not enough about shooting and killing?