
Here is an unverified hidden camera video of Harvey’s first day at Rikers...

For fun, you should go back and read over a few of your early Breaking Bad reviews-It took me a while to realize that “Ray” was actually Hank!

You know, Ray.

It was around ‘99 and someone dared me to go up and sing “My Heart Will Go On”.

Just as long as he gets to say “old man” to the latest Dax incarnation. Honestly, though, it just wouldn’t be the same without Nog and Odo.

As it happens IFC aired Life of Brian and Monty Python and the Holy Grail back-to-back earlier today, which had to be a coincidence. Regardless, it was nice to watch those films and have a laugh in Mr. Jones’ memory. Rest well.

Ghod, he won’t be doing the “Fez” voice, will he?

They probably fucking cut him off in traffic or something. Goddamn Golden Globes!

Honestly I’m kinda confused to see that /r/popping is considered a “beauty” community.

Soooo, you’re saying that as far as sequels go, it isn’t exactly The Godfather II, but it also ain’t quite Caddyshack II.

I had the same problem. All I can say is thank God for my Hulu subscription.

Thanks to entry #98, I’ll never watch Rushmore the same way again.

Imagine Gronk sitting in the booth wearing one of those beer can hats and a “shit happens when you party naked” t-shirt, and whenever Tessitore asks him how it feels to see Brady throwing passes to another tight end, he bellows “Uhhhh, GRONK SAD!!”

No mention about “Faces Of Death”? I seem to recall a lot of controversy about it back in the early ‘80s.

Maybe my hearing needs to be checked, but Tammy and Jocelyn’s voices sounded a bit different at first. Come to think of it, so did Ms. Jacobson.

(checks calendar, sees the date is Oct.11 and NOT Apr.1)

Ah, fellow citizens, this IS great news!

Hands down, the scariest scene for me was when I saw Halloween for the first time sometime in 1978 or 79. It was when Dr Loomis scared away the kids that were outside the Myers house. Right afterward, Loomis turns to walk away and bumps into the police chief, who had quietly walked up on him. It was so unexpected

I remember Jolt cola, but the one that really charged you up was Double cola. My mom went so far as to ban it from the house.

Eh, forget James Bond. I want to see a black Jeremy Clarkson.