
If Mar-A-Lago has a Sbarros, that would explain a lot.

I was going through a pretty bleak period in my life when "Fell On Black Days" came out. At first it pissed me off because of how relatable it was to me, but over time I began to fully appreciate it and it has since become my favorite Soundgarden song.

That movie is a classic. I remember in the mid '80s when that film was in heavy rotation on HBO.

I can think of a few, but one that really stands out is the scene in Osmosis Jones where the zit/boil on Bill Murray's forehead suddenly explodes on Molly Shannon's face.

So the "singing sphincter" and infamous "dog doo" scenes didn't bother you? You have a stronger constitution than I do…

You ain't kitten!

…so the cat is wearing a tube sock on his junk?

I just did the same thing with "24:Legacy". I basically ended up hate-watching it like some sad masochist. Designated Survivor is at least marginally better.

I have seen some clunkers at the theater over the last 20 or so years (Cats Vs. Dogs, the "Ladykillers" remake with Tom Hanks, Phone Booth), but the one movie that I walked out on was "Toys" with Robin Williams and LL Cool J. To this day I've never seen it in it's entirety.

Stanton wouldn't be the first ball player to chase after pussy during a game, amirite?

Did it take two strokes off your golf game?

"No, I don't want to see your pogs!".

Was she any more scary than when she was in Innerspace?

One thing I learned from When Harry Met Sally is that you don't fuck with Mr. Zero.

For some reason the thought of Harvey Fierstein as Bannon makes me chuckle.

There are some things you should never do in life:

It was bad enough to have Bradshaw on the pre- and post-game, but to put that sad, balding excuse for a human being in a commercial during the game?

Personally I'd rather see Gene Simmons dunked in a beef gravy and then thrown to a pack of hunger crazed chihuahuas, but that's just me.

I had never heard of the Animal Crossing series until this year. I started out with the GameCube version, and now I'm playing "A/C: City Folk" on the Wii.

Sure, it's been played to death and used as bumper music for too many sports talk shows, but I would love to hear "Welcome To The Jungle" again for the first time. When I first heard it I was sitting in a (ahem) "Gentleman's Club", and as the opening guitar riff and Axl's howl rang out I went to the DJ to find out