
How I Met Your Mother is not on my rewatch list. I enjoyed the show on its initial airing (even if the ending left me cold) but I have no desire to revisit Ted Mosby and the gang.

For the longest time I only knew her from appearances on the Daily Show. She was hilarious on that program!

What's funny is that as I scroll down to the comments for this article, I see a thumbnail for some click bait site that implies that George Clooney and Jennifer Lawrence supported Trump for president.

You can add Bobby London to the list of artists influenced by Herriman. He drew the early '70s underground comic Dirty Duck which is exactly the same style as Krazy Kat (albeit with more sex and drugs).

So, where would Pence fall on the Cheney/Quayle scale- backstage master manipulator of policy decisions, or a bumbling doofus who can't spell "potato"?

I had no idea what a cuck was until I read this article. I figured it had something to do with a cuckold, which in context makes absolutely no sense.

I'm curious as to how many people have been unfriended because of this election cycle, and how many have happened since the vote results.

Sadly, the article neglected to answer the question, which is-

So now that the new season has started does this mean TBS will stop airing the "I miss you, Bayyyyyby" promos? I thought those were kind of fun. And disturbing.

In the immortal words of T-Dog- "Aw, HELL Naw!".

I think they probably read where quite a few fans of the show felt that TWD crossed a line with this episode and they thought, "I gotta get a piece of this action!".

"And let me tell you, my Frank-N-Furter will be the BEST Frank-N-Furter ever! These reviewers, they're all stupid and in cahoots with the anti-Transylvanian media. It's rigged, I tell ya!".

Yeah, I feel the same way about how Flo has ruined what was once the noble pursuit of getting auto insurance.

Is there really such a thing as too much Wesley Willis?

And when he said he didn't like his teddy, you knew he was a no-good kid.

As far as I'm concerned, he'll always be that motorcycle riding punk who gets pick-axed to death by Tim Curry.

Are you one of those 400 lb bedroom trolls that the orange-haired Oompa Loompa was talking about last night?

Does this mean we get cupcakes on Election Day?

Does he have a spotlight on the roof of Trump Tower to use when he needs to contact Hannity, ala The Bat-Signal?

Part of why I enjoy Mel Brooks' films so much is the life that Gene Wilder gave to the characters he played.