
Similar thing happened at my old job. There was a fella who worked for the company for just over 30 years when he retired. He passed away about two weeks later.

(Said in a Brad Pitt/Se7en voice)

I saw Dogma at the theater by accident. Actually, it was because the Tom Cruise movie we went to see was oversold, so my friend and I settled on watching Dogma instead. Turned out to be a good choice.

One thing I've overlooked is this- At what point did the FBI find out about Clark Westerfeld? Was it a clue in Martha's apartment? I can't recall how they made the connection.

I actually thought that Elizabeth had stabbed Martha when she punched her. Either way, I was certain that Martha was gonna get clipped this episode.

Note: Martha died on the way back to her home planet.

Does that make Oleg Chris-toh-fuh?

Don't know if it's been mentioned, but there's also Budgie's "N.O.R.A.D. (Doomsday City)". Not one of their stronger tunes, tho.

The company slogan should be-

Well, this sucks. Rest well, Verne.

Wait, she actually had breakfast with that nutbag? From what I remember, he shot Ms, Schaeffer point blank when she answered her door.

Something, something, Napster joke, something, something, Lars is a tool, something, something, …and justice for all was the last good album.

It could also be a Jack/Meg White side project.

Saw "Meowy Christmas", thought it was a Trout Fishing In America thing…

What about the star crossed romance of Neelix and Kes?
(avoids an onslaught of rotting fruit and veggies)

I heard he gave "Uncle Miltie" a run for his money, if you know what I mean…

I understand that Tim Tebow is looking for work…

Drink from the loving cup!

You got it, you got it…

I liked Marshalls' "Little Italy" stroll, in white suit and fedora ala Godfather II…