
"He's climbing the ladder of corporate success- but he still has time for the ladies…Meet Patrick Bateman!"

Somewhere, Robin Williams and Jim Carrey are pouring out a 40 for the O.G…

"W, I AM your father!!!"

He was the kind of critic who didn't come across as pompous or arrogant, and while you couldn't always agree with his picks you could respect his reasoning…

Imagine being stuck on a non-stop, cross country flight, trapped in the middle coach seat between her and Sinead O'Connor…

Ron Weasley as Cheetah Chrome?

Jan Murray…

Aw, HELL naw!!!

That would be Herschel…

Was it allegorical  that a group of brain-dead zombies were following a car blasting a Ted Nugent song?

Ya can't put anything past HBO…Hell, they cancelled The Sopranos at the very end of the last episode of season seven!

I know it's not a stand up bit, but the story of Kurt Cobain meeting Eddie Van Halen backstage and realizing he was a hopeless drunk was kind of a cool story…

Which is worse- Gay parents, or parents who give their kids names with the same first initial?

As a fellow Austinite, I feel your pain when it comes to the demise of Cheapo…Thankfully, there's still Antones records as well as End Of An Ear down south…

Ah yes, back when a Laurie Holden character didn't suck the life out a dramatic scene (*cough, cough ANDREA*)

Man, I just had a marathon re-watch of the series (no thanks to Netflix-I had to track down all the DVD sets) and it's good to see that AV is (hopefully) going to review seasons 1-6…

Did "Leave It To Beaver" ever successfully recover from the ill-fated "Stay-at-home mom sex trafficking" plot that almost sunk season 3?

She'd be a good Kes, but then you would have to cast that Malcolm in the Middle kid as Neelix- and nobody wants that…

You haven't heard bad announcing until you've heard Chris Berman call a game. He's nails-on-a-chalkboard bad…

The funny thing is he starred in Beetlejuice the same year he made Clean and Sober, one of his better dramatic roles…