
It’s hard to find anyone who has ever worked for him and has a bad word to say. Seems like he prides himself on being a good boss. But he’s also notoriously sensitive and thin-skinned. Wouldn’t shock me to see a reaction along the lines of, “I’ve been Cool Boss all these years and this is how you repay me?”

Field tests are insanely unreliable when it comes to false positives, and there’s a good reason for this - cops don’t care about false positives AT ALL, all they care about are false negatives, because a false positive lets them arrest and charge you, then when it turns out the test was wrong, they let you go no harm

Swimmer 1: “Hey have you heard about the protests in Hong Kong?”

But honestly, how is that line going to work with 99.9% of the general public?

The women got a higher % of revenue off the WC than the men did...obviously that is a much smaller figure in dollars. The women also get benefits and a guaranteed salary - in fact, if you at the list of highest paid employees on US Soccers last financial form the only players are from the USWNT (~$250k). Because they

WNBA? They absolutely do not.

As long as the women are full-time employees of US Soccer (in a strongly pro-USWNT article, The Guardian had their pay scale at $100,000 / year plus NWSL salaries of between $60K & $67.5K / year — much of it paid by the USSF, which suggests the USSF fact sheet is pretty accurate) it will be hard

Also someone like Rose Lavelle or whoever could probably make more playing for OL or Chelsea but then USSF would lock her out of the National team program 

You are 100% definitely desensitized to violence from the media you’ve consumed.

I like how you say “bullshit” then completely confirm his argument is correct, in detail. That’s the quality kind of argumentation the internet provides.

Box office records are a deeply weird way of measuring how many people watched a movie. It never would have been difficult to track “tickets sold” if that’s something they actually wanted to do.

I can’t stand it! I know you planned it! 

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

Honestly, a woman from work has both walked in on her mom banging the neighbor when she was in high school, as well as her husband banging his best friend’s wife a few years into their marriage. In fairness, she was also secretly banging the husband’s best friend as well. Catching her mom in the act messed her up way

Patrick Rothfuss is gonna finish these books. He even sorta looks like a younger GRRM.

Yeah, George was just spittin’ out GOTs books left and right before the pressure of the show got to him...

1) Martin has said that if he dies, the series will remain unfinished. (Sure, they all say that, but in this case it’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to face the pressure of completing a beloved fantasy series with, shall we say, devoted fans.)

It’s going to be Daniel Abraham, not Sanderson.

Why is he dressed like a bartender at Olive Garden?

He’s basically giving himself a Rock Bottom.