
I think genetic evidence shows that Ancient Egyptians are fairly close to modern Egyptions, genetically, but don’t take that as authoritative since I didn’t bother verifying.

Looks like they couldn’t get Jared Harris back?

There’s a lot I didn’t like about his books and his public persona.

It’s not about being uncomfortable with it. It’s just confusion for why you would expect the character’s bi-ness to carry over into anything that’s not fanfic.

The series generally has a theme of ‘balance’-that taking anything too far has it’s issues. The second season (even the last couple episodes of the first season) shows the issues that come from taking Johnny’s ‘man-up’ philosophy too far. Hell even Johnny’s pre-sensei life show what happens when you take that

Suicide Squad, but not Guardians of the Galaxy? That trailer got us interested in seeing a movie about a bunch of bizarre superheroes we’d never heard of, who were at that point only tangentially related to the rest of MCU.

yeah. The kettlebell seems too heavy, and even if your kettlbells are less than 5 pounds, they’ve got weird weight distribution.

As a health expert, rather than an industrial production expert, Fauci and the Surgeon General, and the CDC probably didn’t realize how easy it would be to ramp up production of clothe masks.

Bakker’s stuff could work for TV if you get rid of most of the weird shit and the navel-gazing philosophy. But if you get rid of the weird shit and navel-gazing philosophy, then what’s the point? It’s the First Crusade with some cool magic on top.

I thought this would be a comedy along the lines of Norsemen.

There’s this one location in a fairly upscale and swanky area. It has successful restaurants around it, but that one location just doesn’t seem to draw people (relatively speaking, it’s not like empty on a Friday night or anything). I think it might just be the architecture that the building and surrounding buildings

Kansas City, Kansas has a population of 150,000. Kansas City, Missouri has a population three times that, not including the metro area.

First Son doesn’t even sound that bad. Isn’t it pretty much Black Sheep?

TBF, Tom Holland’s really young, and Hemworth and Jordan are naturally super athletic. Though I guess Jordan was jacked, but not as huge in Creed.

Nobody ever claimed that Hollywood (or the Entertainment industry in general) was about meritocracy. Success or failure is too random, it’s too difficult to objectively measure talent or skill, and there are too many people who are ‘good enough’ for any sort of meritocracy to develop.

It makes more sense that the miner/welder was the one who knew how to rig up explosives, but they probably wanted the parallels between her and Naomi, and for a the woman to have a larger role.

That sucks. I hope they can at least get Jared Harris back. The next plotline won’t be the same without Anderson Dawes, and nobody can replace Harris in that role

Which two of his movies, in your opinion, were not crap?

Health and fitness are simple, not easy.

Chapo Trap House is popular with a certain segment, but to call it important is a stretch.