

I’m wondering from that article how they determined Arsinoe was “African”- was that genetic testing or analyzing why they thought the bones looked like? The BBC news article isn’t very exact. According to the wiki page, that guy was using craniometry which is basically nonsense science that’s been dead since the 19th

Don’t know if this is a joke post or not, but The Shanara Chronicles is a different series based on a different series of books.

Because Snyder films are, basically, cool imagery (and I do think they have cool imagery) that don’t actually tell a story or show character at all.  Which make them SO PERFECT for trailers because, hey, Cool Image!  Cool Image!  BWAAAM!  Cool Image!  Movie Title!  PERFECT.  

I mean, all the scenes where Superman acts like Superman have the obvious mustache paint, so....

Yeah and Tommy Wisseau claimed The Room was funny on purpose too.

The very fact that its four hours is a bad omen. That means he’s not actually doing the work that goes into editing a theatrical movie to be as efficient as possible. He’s just putting everything he has on screen.

I really liked the trailer. But the thing with Snyder trailers is that they are so sessions and can't live up to the hype. Man of steel trailers were awesome and got me so pumped. This trailer does that for me too. I can only be let down.

Okay, this is NOT a Snyder cut. Because he’s not cutting anything. He’s not actually doing the work necessary to make this a coherent theatrical movie. Even IF no tragedy had happened and he had had retained creative control of the film, this is NOT the JL film he would have released in theater.

Imagine unironically being a fan of this dipshit with a total lack of self awareness.

Starred for the effort. Maybe workshop it though.

That crap about her having a boyfriend is the kind of thing I hear from the Japanese Idol industry.

Hang on, are you seriously suggesting that male streamers don’t solicit donations for simply existing?

Without context, I absolutely would have seen this as a conservative editorial comic, because complaints about “why can’t I go on a bar crawl with 60 of my closest friends but BLM protestors can congregate in groups” have been rampant from Republicans for months.  If you told me Ben Garrison had drawn it, I’d have

The first three books are great. I’d never been a big fan of epic fantasy, but they won me over.

Cordless angle grinders with a cutoff wheel are a very popular bike thief tool. An inexpensive u-lock only takes a few seconds to cut through like that, and the thieves benefit greatly from the fact that most people don’t give a shit what’s happening as long as it’s not happening to them.

For me, this is when the show went south. Long before the final season. The original Daario may not have literally looked the part, but damn if he didn’t nail it. The recast had zero continuity whatsoever - in look, behavior, swagger... just none.

There is a sizeable contingent of Tesla owners who would literally die before admitting any flaw with their vehicle. Hell, they actually do die by driving into immovable objects because of Musk’s reality distortion field convincing them that their cars can drive themselves.

Maybe I’m cynical, but I have trouble believing that we, as a society, can function without any sort of policing whatsoever. If the ultimate answer is that caring about serving your community effectively and justly means resigning from serving as a police officer, doesn’t that just mean that the only police officers

I dunno. I won’t argue with you when you say it’s nothing special and dull. But I’d say it did accomplish a few major things: