
Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

It’s a “day to learn - lifetime to master” sort of things. The “mechanics” of game play of Bridge is pretty straight forward; sorta like Hearts or Spades. The “auction-less” version of bridge is called “Whist”.
The real complexity comes in the auction before play starts, where you determine the trump. People have come

The real story here is the depressing state of Vrabel’s broken marriage.

I genuinely enjoy Fast Five through 8 more than the vast majority of MCU films. They’re basically superhero flicks anyway - their powers are “cars” and “extremely good luck” basically - and the action setpieces are usually more fun. Also any single Fast film has more diversity than the entire MCU put together, which

I’m pretty sure she is harnessing the power of Nerd Horny at the moment; a far too often precursor to nerd Nerd Rage.

So they made her Hakka.
... interesting choice.
Mulan, as by the ballad and dramas, came from the north. She lived when non-Chinese ruled (either the Toba-Wei or the Mongols) and when it wasn’t completely unheard of that women take to the weapons. Yet it is implied that although she had the support of her family (they

Counter-counterpoint: The Last Jedi was just ok. The chase framing device made little practical sense and the side quest to Monaco was a waste of time, but the rest was pretty cool and it was still fun to watch.

Well yeah, they just shouldn’t take the orders if they don’t have it.

If they are homeschooling them and making them study for the Spelling Bee, then I would agree that the parents are bullies.

Why don’t we charge the rich assholes accordingly? Otherwise, aren’t we subsidizing the assholery?

There’s a lot of mind reading/hearing happening, flashbacks to show why the characters do what they do, and sometimes the characters are unnaturally talkative.

There isn’t a single reason. This probably is one of them.

While we’re on the subject of the house and its idiosyncrasies , isn’t it absurd - like pants on head, socks on hands absurd - that our reps represent ~700k people each  with 435 reps in the house? These are numbers only beat by the European Union and India(1.5 million people per rep on avg, yikes). I truly think this

It’s weird how your summaries of events are wholly inaccurate. Is that intentional?

Well there are many reasons, some fair, some unfair, but i pointed out a crazy ironic one earlier:

I’m not telling you what you mean, I’m telling you how I understand what you mean based on how the phrase you’re using is commonly understood.

I guess you’re seeing a lot of unfounded criticism of Trump that I’m not. It’s hard to imagine any criticism of Trump that’s not unfounded.

Why do you say that’s the real meaning? Where do you see it used the way you describe? I’ve only ever seen it used the way I described.

It’s just vapid nonsense that itself is supposed to dismiss any criticism of Trump, an actual bad orange man. It’s meaningless and the people who use it aren’t worth listening to.

Really? Oliver’s main stories seem to be varied and substantive to me. I only pay attention to the main story in each episode, though.