
The smart play now would be to take money from NCAA teams who are courting you, then fuck them off to go play basketball for money overseas. Because then what are the schools gonna do? Tattle on themselves to the NCAA?

I’ve read the books. In my opinion, they’re great. If Martin never writes another word, they’ll still be great. I’d rather have an excellent, if incomplete series than a downward trajectory cratering into the earth. People bring up Wheel of Time a lot and I think that’s unfair to ASOIAF in that Wheel of Time almost

Stephen Molyneaux, an artist who designs monsters not to be confused with Stefan Molyneaux, a conartist that is a monster.

I bet they’ll just add in more inexperienced and cheaper bureaucracy though.  Big companies thrive on inefficiency, especially in layers of management--it gives upper management places to point fingers at and blame failures on rather than taking responsibility for them.

Because of math...and many other reasons but we can start with math.

I’m so very tired of internet culture.

I somewhat take issue with that, even though salespeople (especially) love to say it to defend their jobs.

I agree, it is the Silicon Valley hubris that thinks they can do things better. It is also half assed implementation of Agile/Scrum/Kanban being used in hardware engineering. Having worked on both software and hardware, I can say that both disciplines could learn a lot from one another. Hardware guys tend be so rigid

That is not just assembly issues. That is what happens when you skip the tried and true “real car company” practices of pre-production design validation testing, pre-production builds, design changes being implemented before going into production. Tesla tried to skip steps and just go straight into mass production.

All these people think the OEMs haven’t because they can’t. The idea that they’re sitting this out intentionally and letting Tesla bear all the costs of making the market would just blow their minds. 

It’s funny how you can compete when you don’t seem to care about making money.

All of them are complaining about the costs of batteries. And then there’s Tesla, who took the plunge to light billions of dollars on fire. Very brave, but not exactly smart. Smart will be Toyota coming into the EV market almost last, but also making a profit off of EVs almost immediately. 

The large manufacturers are much more capable of rapid strategic changes than people think. No one is 10-15 years behind anyone.

Martin, meanwhile, laments the foreshadowing and clues layered into early storylines that, when rejiggered, turn into nothing more “dead ends.”

It’s because of allergies. I’d be surprised if anything with peanuts is allowed in a school cafeteria these days.

He has all the charm of Stephen Miller, and all of the wit of... Stephen Miller. 

The thing that really bugs me about that scene is how, when you fly out of LAX, the plane takes off over the water (Pacific), and, by the time you are a couple hundred yards in the air, you can see all of the sailboats and commerce ships in about a 10 mile range...and from your vantage point going 150-200 miles per

If this were the books it’d make perfect sense for Dany to torch the Iron Fleet then and there since it’s made explicitly that outside of literally chaining one to the ground or having one of your own it’s very hard to kill a dragon.

Nope, just here to remind you that pureblood nonsense ain’t worth shit. Your fandom isn’t any better than some kid who started cheering from Japan last week. You can live anywhere and become a diehard fan of any team anywhere in the world. That’s why sports are wonderful!

Fandom gatekeeping. What a twist.