
Oh brother... All the poor VFX artists slaving away in front of their computers from now until November working 22 hour days on the fucking Sonic The Hedgehog movie. It sounds like the lowest ring of hell.

As an MMA fan, I’d say you’re right on calling Rousey out on the Sandy Hook garbage (though understand MMA is a wasteland of fringe libertarian politics ... kinda comes with the territory). However, while her remarks on Fox competing were worded tastelessly -- a fair point -- on the substance she’s not wrong. That is,

I’m interested to see if anyone has good counterpoints to this. I’m all for inclusiveness, but sports are designed around physical things—especially MMA—and there’s a reason why men and women are separated into different leagues for most of them. I’ve yet to hear an argument against it beyond, “they’re women, so they

All of you are missing Burneko’s real point: The Army of the Dead was overhyped and it was stupid that they were wiped out this easily and with so little (real) consequences. He’s mostly right about this. I think he’s being tongue-in-cheek about arguing that Cersei is actually smarter than everyone else.

Yeah, that’s what’s frustrating. They -know- everything. You put stuff in wrong, and they’re on you like >that<. They just want to make sure you fill out the form correctly to see if they can catch you.
 If you think the IRS doesn’t know all about how much money you made, put some random numbers in your next tax

If (candidate) == (notTrump)
Then (vote) = 1
Else (vote) = 0

Oh look, a system that’s still mostly theory and wishes and they’re already trying to cheap out on the components. The roads feel safer already!

Nothing is illegal in China if you have enough cash.

I’ll never understand why a full cage isn’t the rule in the NHL.

None your stats discredit the idea that’s it’s slow sludgy basketball. Just that out of the very few possessions, they actually scored at good percentage, this one time. They defend really well, which isn’t the problem. Its that they run the clock down on the offensive end, often doing nothing exciting until the last

The same way every thing that comes out of a mold is made. Liquid into a mold, solid in a shape out. If you just want to watch a video of stuff being made - that’s something I can get behind. But this is like, “learn how horse-drawn carriages are pulled,” or “how hand-painted items are painted.”

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

<40 seconds of fart sounds>

Since when? Uh how much time you got?

That shit is sad as hell and needs to cease. Best friend is DST, and her best childhood friend is QuePsi. I’ve heard some outrageous stories that Hollywood couldn’t come up with for a script.

Erich Ludendorff in real life was a literal Nazi.  He was a huge reason the “stabbed in the back” myth, blaming Jews for undermining the war effort, got locked into German consciousness... because he needed something to blame other than himself for why Germany lost the war.  By 1923 he was a member of the Nazi party,

I’m not sure you understand about the logistics of war. You cannot invade a country and during the invasion, order a million rations that will not spoil from the locals. MRE’s serve a very specific purpose, a purpose that cannot be served by local food. MRE’s are designed to pack the most calories into the smallest,

You've got to be kidding me. Everyone who reads what is written is the so-called "accountability police." If you can't handle that, then you shouldn't write or say things publicly.

Three semi truck drivers decided to play car tag with us one night, locking us in a position then turning their lights off. They kept swerving around us, and unfortunately we were in a classic car that couldn't go over 75, so we couldn't really get away. When we slowed down, they did too. They kept honking their