
where should you get rid of the mucous buildup at the back of your throat but in the bathroom?

Arby’s also doesn’t give you black lung

I think he got angry after she hit him in the face. He holds his lip afterwards - it may have been cut.

there was sort of a kick towards the end when shes getting up and he kicks her in the thigh (can’t tell how hard) and she falls to her knees.

would it be combat sambo in the Olympics?

culturally appropriating it doesn’t mean you own it. Some white people occasionally eat poorly prepared tofu. Meanwhile, in large parts of Asia, it’s still a staple dish.

white people didn’t invent tofu.

Why not? It works, and unless you’re an insufferable audiophile, you can’t tell the difference between that and something digital.

Apple ran out of ideas, so all they do now is make their products worse.

Contrary take on the constitution:

I mean, it doesn’t take a weeklong interview series with a world-renowned psychiatrist to realize that the South Park guys didn’t believe in global warming

There was that lice episode where the lice do the whole ‘the world is rejecting us’ while the slimy politician lice deny that lice killing shampoo is real.

duck you

Of course men piss with the stall door open. You get more privacy than if you’d taken a urinal. Just make sure to keep it wide open so people can see you’re in there.

Most kids want to be pro-athletes, movie stars, or world famous musicians. It’s not going to happen 99.99% of the time, but it shouldn’t be too hard to slowly shift them towards more realistic dreams

It’s always weird to me that in baseball, winning 100 games out of 162 is a dominant, nearly historic season. But in football, winning 10 games out of 16 is pretty good.

Wait, how is an intentional safety better than a punt in that situation?

Yeah, but those costs should be amortized

Yeah.... no. That is way understating the extent to which Naziism permeated all aspects of German society.

Well, if read the history of hte Bundeswehr, you will realize there is a disconcerting amount of whitewashing of Wehrmacht war crimes that went into it’s founding.