
Yeah, in my experience Wehrmacht cosplayers tend to be Wehraboos, who tend to have a blind spot with regard to Wehrmacht war-crimes.

First off, symbols don’t work like that. Going by your logic, the Swastika isn’t a Nazi symbol either.

The Balkenkreuz was used by the German military from 1935 to 1945.

WWII Luftwaffe symbols are by default also Nazi symbols. Really any WWII German military symbol is also a Nazi symbol. Unless you buy into the Myth of the Clean Wehrmacht?

17 years is a lot. The maximum sentence in Norway is 21 years.

Yes, you cannot be serious about prison reform if you make lip service about reducing prison population, but everytime you hear about a specific prisoner, you want him to do more time.

That’s false. Nonviolent drug offenses are small percentage of the total prison population:

A lot of it is that it’s not interesting to watch, for people who’ve never wrestled themselves.

I think I would have actually liked that living arrangement in my early to mid-20s. Maybe even a little longer.

a person who is concerned about totally open European borders

That’s John Kelly.

What did they call the scandal that happened at the Watergate hotel then? Watergate-Gate?

That’s all cool, but does it have a headphone jack?

It sounds like a wealthy couple who can easily afford childcare (and diminishing marginal costs due to scale) is deciding that they might as well keep going

Sam Adams Boston Lager is still a thing

Reddit’s fine as long as you stick to quality , niche subreddits, like Askhistorians.

Belichick’s had plenty of failures with high profile, talented, badly-behaved players. Not just talking about the tight end from Florida*, but also Albert Haynesworth.

Asian men with Asian women isn’t that rare. Hell, even Asian men with nonasian women isn’t that rare where I’m from.

It’s not that common. You kinda have to go out of your way to look for it.

Not offensive, it’s a joke I can take. Apparently people have become to thin skinned and need to take everything seriously.