
No. Your mom.

Maybe if beat cops weren’t so busy with their broken windows policing and relentless harassing of minorities for minor offenses, homicide detectives might find people more eager to talk.

Are you sure it isn’t 3 times a week?

I understand as well. After the Pats came back to win against the Falcons, reading all the anguish from people like Magary was like shooting pure cocaine cut with heroin straight into my aorta. “Suck it haters” is an amazing feeling.

I don’t get why they can’t just let professional athletes defer until they’re like 35 or something. especially if they’re destined for desk jobs

I just hate ‘irregardless’

I feel like an idiot now. Good thing I’m in hte greys and nobody will see this


also, their home stadium is called Wankdorf

Best headlines were when Young Boys played and beat Bate Borisov.

Now that’s a winning leadership dynamic if I’ve ever seen one.

Do all teams have a statue of the owner? That seems weird- like what’s he actually accomplished to warrant something like that?

First, there’s no proof other than sour grapes allegations that it ever happened.

Sorry about commenting two weeks late, but that corny scene where the New Yorkers throw stuff at Green Goblin never fails to put a tear in my eye. I guess it just resonated back when the movie first came out.

Why is it that White people assume just because racial minorities don’t make a big fuss, that they’re ok with it?

Are people really thinking that Josh Allen turns out to be Carson Wentz. Sure they both played at small schools, but Wentz at least put up really good numbers at a small school while Allen ... didn’t.

I agree, but an experienced grappler should be able to tell when he’s not getting out.

I don’t see why you would believe that? At the very least, the acute effects of being choked out (assuming that not everyone involved is an idiot, and the choker let’s go after less than 30 seconds) are much less severe than getting a severe enough concussion to knock you out.

Who would have guessed that a bunch of fascists are also sexist?

Well yeah. Right now, we’re getting around the ‘cruel and unusual’ part by having other prisoners administer the cruel and unusal punishment rather than the government directly.