
Short sellers by definition aren’t shareholders. I guess you could thereotically by a share and then buy a put option to sell it at a higher price, but those people are rare, and it would make make more sense to buy the put option, but not the share.

I’d credit The Fighter more to Christian Bale, Melissa Leo, and Amy Adams. You could have put in plugged in any in-shape white guy with a Boston accent for Marky Mark, and it would have been almost as good.

and ‘microdosing’ LSD

You know, Bill Belichik manages to function despite the fact that something like half of gamblers bet against him every game.

I always figured that if we really wanted to make beatings a part of prison sentence, then we should make beatings a part of a prison sentence-officially. Have the guards systematically administer however many beating a month someone was sentenced to, instead of leaving it to however prison societal dynamics shake out.

Ivanka was thin-skinned and could not seem to take a joke.

oops, I meant 6'1"

Bag of Words?

Why would he? The Chinese writers, directors and producers wanted him in a Chinese movie.

The ‘historical’ Mulan was a subject of the Northern Wei dynasty, which was founded by the Tuoba Xianbei, a steppe people. It was seen by many Chinese as half-barbarian and the poem actually uses ‘Khan’,and ‘Son of Heaven’ interchangeably to refer to its emperor.

Great Wall was a shitty movie ( I fell asleep halfway through watching it on a plane), but it’s not really a case of whitewashing like the other examples.

It always seemed weird to me that he took the fact that some people thought Tesla stock would go down as a personal affront.

We need more blue voters here.

I honestly thought that was like a liver shot or something, but then I realized the liver is on the other side.

Also, in a lot of these settings (such as The Expanse), they can literally regrow limbs

There’s also a differnce between being really funny while shooting the shit and being good a stand up. Like Kevin Hart, from everything I’ve seen and heard, is likethe funniest guy in the world just chilling with people, but he’s ... still a pretty good standup, so not the best example. But there are tons of better

They obviously designed it to look like a video game level, but is it actually comfortable?

His life was hardly ruined. But yeah, that blog was pretty shitty.

That’s incorrect. The colonists could take out a supply caravan or two, but couldn’t win the war until they learned how to fight in the European fashion from the Prussians and French.

At the very least, if you were assaulted by a Uber or Lyft driver, you know exactly who it was. Who actually records the Taxi driver’s id number all the time?