
For someone who isn’t a fan of Elon Musk, you sure spend a lot of time defending Elon Musk.

He was pretty good in Euro 2016

Drunk driving was more common.

Usually, but not always, you can tell that people who make racist jokes mean it on some level while people who make pedo jokes generally don’t.

money is made through podcasts and videos, not text, unfortunately.

Or they might implode due to some locker room dispute/Benzema filming them.

It’s the party of Dennis Hastert


Have you ever driven faster than the speed limit? Jaywalked? Drank alchohol before you were 21?

I’ll be sure to bring this up every time you type ‘Ronaldo’ instead of ‘Cristiano Ronaldo’

I live in Houston now, and as an ABC, I find the Chinese food selection to be amazing

Compare WoWS to Boiler Room, the Giovanni Ribisi/Ben Affleck/Vin Diesel flick about Stratton Oakmont with the serial number filed off.

It’s straight-up treating all Asian people as interchangeable, is what it is. Nadine Nicole looks as different from François Chau as I do. And I’m Scots-Irish.

Yes, it turns out that movies and tv shows have siblings and the actors depicting them are not, in fact, siblings. Who knew!

Peter Crouch leaned into his dweebiness so hard that he came out the other side and became cool

Does Sergio Ramos dive like Pepe does?

Imagine if Draymond Green also tried to draw fouls like James Harden.

Pepe’s the worst and always has been. There has to be a law that players have to choose between diving and dirty fouls. If you do both habitually, you should be banned from the game.

There is a reason why Brazil are almost always led by graceful and expressive attackers