
We’d be better off with a regime like in Japan, where homes depreciated like used cars.

Anomander Rake seems like he started out as a teenage edgelord’s self-insert power fantasy. I mean, he refined and improved beyond that, but it’s fairly obvious that was the character’s genesis

Have you ever seen (real) Zuckerberg speak? The Jesse Eisenberg version is waaayyy more charismatic.

because they have a story on every single baseball game?

Back in my day, it was a big deal when Stone Cold Steve Austin needed two Stunners to put down The Rock

I think he missed the point that that is his daughter, hence the weirdness of the open mouth kiss.

Does the eggshell skull rule apply?

Well, it objectively is. The players are bigger, faster and more skilled. The best players in college football regularly top off as benchwarmers in the NFL.

Wait, so you have to eat Matzah? I thought you just weren’t allowed to eat leavened bread?

you can rejigger education all you want, but you’re never going to change the fact that a videogame is more engaging than trigonometry, or Faulkner.

The most interesting part of Tesla is that he’s made electric cars cool. All the other tech is being done by other people. In the case of the solar tech, better. Remember that he bailed out his failing solar company with Tesla shareholder money.

Is he considering MMA, or does he care too much about his brain?

You realize it was a joke, right?

Perez had tested out the idea earlier by shooting a bullet into another book without fully penetrating it.

It’s weird that he had just the right amount of pride and competitiveness to perform his best for his team day in and day out, but not enough pride and competitiveness to ever want to move to a better team.

Am I the only one who does the confused “hello?” even if I know who’s calling and was maybe even expecting the call? It’s just kinda reflex at this point. Though with my wife, it doubles as, “what are you calling me for?”

How many high-profile capital cases can you think of?

Maybe after making to a professional league, pro-gamers can start spelling their nicknames with mostly letters and no extraneous characters.

Hazelwood wasn’t just a random employee

Old, one dimensional (two, if you count diving).