
He’s willing to admit he’s reading AO3 for the erotic fic, so I don’t imagine he’s that shy about admitting he watches porn

I’d take the barf. But my experiences as a frat boy have left me rather desensitized to vomit.

Man Triple HHH has not aged well.

I feel really stupid right now...

Finishing the books hasn’t been his priority in more than a decade.

yeah, but he wouldn’t have to announce the actual number. He could just say “I got a quarter inch increase” or “I got a 12.5% length increase”

yet apparently the goddamn headphone jack takes up too much room

It’s weird that she rarely gets her comeuppance anymore. Back in the early 2000's (the last time I regularly watched wwe/f), she got her comeuppance, or narrowly escaped, just about all the time. Just like her dad.

I mean it’s fine I guess. It just seems like making fun of somebody making fun of herself is kinda missing the point?

The fact that he’s out of his profession while his bully is successful and seems to have had his image rehabilitated can’t be good for his mental health

Bullying is bullying. punching is punching. It’s wrong regardless of whether it’s up or down.

The 2000's were an edgy time in sports journalism. It’s when people did hot takes unironically.

Are you throwing shade on Lester Freamon?

No, you did

Were there any prominent conservative (read: white nationalist) voices silenced in this ‘purge’? They just lost followers. Who weren’t real people in the first place.

Suck it, Norway!

Most real estate brokers I know make approximately $0 per year

Gotta be clearer about these things. I had to google him to realize he wasn’t actually a member of the band, “Journey”

What? WTF?

true, but it wouldn’t have been as believable for a drunk, sloppy John C. Reilly looking fellow to be as ‘successful’ with women as McNulty was.