
How would we know?

Seppuku is a horrible, barbaric practice that never came close to ideals imputed to it by romantic samurai literature.

The technology isn’t perfect,

That, kids, is why you don’t include an autopilot unless you’re 99.99999% sure you don’t need driver input.

He would have driven Belichick out for some petty reason and alienated all the players. No way they win one Superbowl with Trump as owner, much less 5.

As a Pats fan, that was a bitter pill to swallow, though 2014 and 2016 helped.

The jobber teams in Spain tend to perform well against jobber teams from England, Germany, Italy and Spain in jobber European competitions.

Swatting is only a thing because of the tendency of American police to violently overreact.

Maybe they could have had the sitiuational awareness to note that the house was not, in fact, doused in gasoline, or the guy who answered the door most likely wasn’t holding his family at gunpoint, on account of it’s hard to hold people at gunpoint if you don’t have a gun in your hands, or they may have noticed that

I like Simmons, but that was a terrible column

Salary for NYPD after 5 1/2 years is $85,292

Ozil did pretty well with Mourinho for a few years, even if it ended acrimoniously


Russians kill people ostentatiously with poison. Why poison a guy with polonium instead of something that could pass for natural causes? It’s to broadcast to the world : YEAH WE POISONED HIM AND THERE’s NOTHING YOU WESTERN P****** CAN DO ABOUT IT.

Because of FIFA’s rules about youth players changing clubs, Americans can’t even go off to play in Europe until they’re 18 (unless, like Christian Pulisic, they can lean on a European passport)

That post really made me want to watch a version of FMA produced and directed by Germans, starring Germans, reinterpreted through a German cultural and historical lens. And it would have like Daniel Bruhl, Christoph Waltz and Michael Fassbender.

The guy playing Sanosuke was way too skinny. I have plenty of there critiques, but that one springs to mind first

Wait, how is this related to the trade in bulk goods in the 15th century Mediterranean?

It was first used in Japan in the 1970s and quickly became used to describe erotic dojinshi (amateur comics) portrayals of young girls.

Did it just keep popped on the outside from walking in, or did it also keep people on the inside from getting out?