
I don’t buy that. Otherwise ‘lolicon’ wouldn’t be a thing. And even if ‘lolicon’ has nothing to do with the Nabakov book, it still means there’s already the strong association between the term ‘loli’ and sexualization of minors in Japanese culture.

So I assume Travis is vigorously campaigning against Roy Moore?

Every tweet after Murray’s was superfluous.

I liked HOI 3, but I literally had to download a third party Army organization tool in order to manage more than 50 divisions, which you’ll have if you’re one of the Great Powers.

Socioeconomic backgrounds, the availability of resources for the family, and parental involvement in student achievement

It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. All the parents who are willing to move because of schools move to the same communities. These parents vote for higher budgets, are more involved in the PTA, coach little league teams, participate in bake sales and force their kids to do homework. This makes those schools better,


Our women are more athletic, but I fear that other countries’ women can piggy back off of their superior men’s development systems and lap us in terms of technical skill and tactical acuity.

Truly the Jeff Fischer of soccer

I like the idea. It’s sort of a devil’s advocate take things to their logical conclusion type deal. It’s also resulted in basically the only Hamilton Nolan article I’ve agreed with in years.

If he tops out at mediocre starter in the Bundesliga- does that make him like the second best American outfield player ever, or does it still put him behind Donovan and Dempsey?

I’m surprised Kraft isn’t quietly supporting Jerry in his anti-Goodell crusade. I know Kraft isn’t the openly combative, win or burn everything aorund me to hte ground, sort. But he’s still got to be at least a little mad.

I tremble thinking about just what it was that the self-proclaimed “great negotiator” gave up to get the middle Ball child back.

Had to Brock Osweiler huh?

John Kelly is basically a less ridiculous Donald Trump. A force for right-wing culture and America-first-ism without all the outward craziness.

Is it racist if a Colombian makes an offensive race based gesture to a South Korean? Which group is more oppressed?

It seems like people are getting this backwards. Girls are humble and answer questions when they know what their talking about. Boys are blowhards and will spout bullshit because they love the sound of their own voice.

Well, the cop inched forward and stopped. Honking at passive agressive dickery like that isn’t necessary, but is completely understandable.