
The EEs have been on blu-ray for quite some time now...

I BELIEVE that the Extended cut of either Two Towers or Return of the King got an R-rating for violence waaaay back in the mid 2000s when it first hit DVD. I might be wrong, and too lazy to double check the google-verse right now, but I could have sworn I remember it being a “big stink” about one of those two getting

Also, Amazon is hilarious sometimes with their 3rd party re-sellers.

Shout! Factory’s 25th Anniversary Edition of UHF is 15 bucks new through Amazon directly. Some d-bag re-seller on Amazon is selling it for $48 bucks....

Sadly seems to be the case in a lot of places. Even Best Buy (ESPECIALLY for genre/horror films) is slim pickings for anything older than a year or two. Sometimes you can find something decent that’s older in their 10, 8, or 5 dollar bargain bins....but those are never organized and require digging through a LOT of

Not sure what part of the world you’re in, so it may not be available outside of the US, but THE MIST has been on BR for several years now. I wanna say the blu-ray launched at the same time or soon after the DVD. It even includes the black and white version of the movie.

$800 bucks?! No thanks. If the price was right, I might have considered it.

Currently have my LOTR extended editions jammed into the Best Buy steelbook that came with the pre-order of the theatrical trilogy blu-ray...

As much as I thought the Hobbit trilogy was meh, I am a collector and picked up the EEs of the first

Just here to watch people crying about a movie no one is forcing them to see that’s a remake of a CULT hit which itself was based on a board game.

“B-b-b-b-but....my childhood! The original movie based on a toy/game was such high art!”

For a decent “WTF?” movie, check out BASKIN on Netflix. I won’t say it’s amazing, but....if you took some of the insanity from EVENT HORIZON, but placed it on Earth with Turkish police.....

As long as you pretend the first TWO don’t exist. 3 was an absolutely garbage fire. And as gimmicky as “SPAAAAACE!” was in this movie, the short stories that took place in the past were at least an interesting look at and take on the mythos. And I’ll take the gimmick of space any day over the god awful “Pinhead

Well, guess I’ll be skipping this year’s cross over....

typos abound...

Maybe because it’s still technically a children’s book series, so while the story did get a bit darker and SLIGHTLY grew up with it’s intended audience, finer details and world structure were not entirely thought out beforehand.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the series (movies and books...well, from about 4 on. Both

I give you...... Beef!

I’d give anything for both USA Up All Night AND TNT’s Monstervision! With Joe Bob Briggs to make a come back!

Wasn’t Tinder just a variation on Grinder? Or are they the same company/start up?

Agree. Murder House was a fantastic season. I actually really loved Asylum. The “everything and the kitchen sink” approach, as well as some of the camera angles/movements/tricks and audio production really worked well for the setting of an Asylum. However, I get the feeling that Asylum was just a happy coincidence,

Unfortunately, they already SORTA shot the “Barry lost his powers” wad in the later chunk of season 2. Earth2 Wells exploding Barry into the speedforce was already pretty close to the Flashpoint comics’ “Thomas Wayne zap-fries Barry to a crisp”.

Hopefully they can settle something with Trace and Frank to get them back in some capacity.

I try not to fall into the “there’s bad blood” rumor mongers out there. Trace has said there is no ill will, and congratulated Joel on the revival/KS campaign.... but then he would also every so often drop what seemed like a

I would imagine that part of this deal includes getting all of the currently available back episodes that Shout! Factory has been releasing/re-releasing over the past several years. Not quite ALL of the previous episodes ....even without some of the expense issues, some studios hated that their properties were mocked,

Denise Richards Dreyfus.

Sorry....I’ll go now.