
I dunno. I think the bigger set pieces mixed with the strict, regular release schedules has kinda hurt some of the more recent Marvel movies, effects wise. The entire opening raid on Hydra in Age of Ultron was filled with subpar looking CGI, and several other scenes throughout that movie. And the same with Civil War.

Maybe. To be fair I’m not including AHS 6 in that assessment yet. 1 episode is too soon to tell, but I won’t bother watching the whole thing til it hits netflix, since I’ve been burned enough by prior seasons. I didn’t get into Freak Show. I liked Twisty, he’s the only character that provided any actual creepy scenes

Looks interesting.

And American Horror Story has been less scary than Sesame Street for about 4 seasons now. Freak Show had a couple creepy moments with Twisty, but other than that, Coven through current have been just awful. Can’t wait for more horror TV to pick up the ball that AHS dropped after season 2.

I think the director was pretty competent, especially if you’ve seen his other flicks. However, after the thrashing that BvS got, the studio forced a lot of changes on SS for fear of receiving the same reviews. Unfortunately for them, it seemed to get even worse critical reception than BvS did. But, even from 15

Hey, he was involved in Alien Cubed.....at one point. And then his design was scrapped and they went with the dog/ox hybrid. :/

As I get older, I actually enjoy the third movie (all cuts) more than I did when I was younger. It’s definitely got faults, but I actually enjoyed the return to “One beast, no

Yeah, I sadly can’t say I play mine on a regular basis, but I still fire it up for some Jet Set Radio, or Marvel vs Capcom 2 every so often. Mine was a launch day console. I used to play that thing for almost entire days at a time, still never had any issues with it.

Also, while not exactly slender, the GameCube was very compact. Granted, that happens when you use a much smaller disc format, but...

Dangit! Now you’ve got me wanting to go home and dust off the Dreamcast. I think it was still my favorite console I’ve owned so far.

Less on the technical side, but just the awful writing side...

The original PS4 “lumbered onto the scene”??? As I recall, for being the first retail form factor of a high end console, the PS4 was, and still is, considered pretty clean/svelte. Laid horizontally it was maybe...2 inches? high?

I was going to say...the conference I watched, Sony did an awful lot of fancy speechifyin’ to avoid saying that games would be NATIVE 4k.. There was a lot about displaying games at 4k., and I believe super sampling was tossed out once or twice, but don’t recall any confirmation that native 4k games were being

The Blade confusion is understandable at least. That was before Marvel Studios proper even existed and they had sold so many of their characters to other studios. Blade is not a Disney/MCU franchise, but, even being a different studio, it’s still got that big Marvel logo attached to it.

This is a DC book, being

Pandering to millenials? Your article even mentions the fact that he’s had a handful of high-profile public debates. And yet you still keep sticking to the “pandering” and “playing to nostalgia” line of thinking. Hell, he’s written books, he’s been part of presidential administrations, written articles, hosted and

Also, I’m REALLY hoping we get a set of decent quality figures from this movie at some point. Absolutely loved the character designs, ESPECIALLY the twin witches, and would love a pair for my shelf at home or my desk at work.

I saw Kubo in 3D and it didn’t really do anything for me. Nothing that really wow’ed me anyway. It wasn’t bad. Still looked absolutely gorgeous on multiple levels. But probably not worth the extra dollars??

Full Disclosure: MOST 3d movies don’t do anything amazing for me. I tend to stick to 2D the past couple years.

See I thought the opposite. I thought it was more aimed at kids than say...CORALINE. I aboslutely LOVED KUBO. But the story wasn’t anything super complex or deep. The couple of “twists” you could see coming beyond the horizon. That’s not at all to say it’s bad. Just saying that the target audience was clearly meant to

As a costume, yeah that one actually doesn’t look too bad.

Funny is subjective. I didn’t find it laugh out loud hilarious, but I got a smirk out of it.

And you say you got it, but your initial comment trying to logically deconstruct it with the actual technical aspects of Sous Vide cooking show that, no, you did not in fact get it. If you just didn’t find it funny, you would

On top of the fact that Will is technically a main character/a member of our main group of kids that the show follows from the opening scene. He’s also the son AND brother of two of our main protagonists as well. Up until the point where we discover his body is a fake, we don’t exactly know where he is or what has

So by “much more depressing” you mean “more graphic corpse”??? Nothing there suggests that something WORSE happened to her. It doesn’t suddenly make it seem like she starved to death or slowly burned/froze.

I liked her as a secondary character. But she was just that. We seem to be in an age where EVERYTHING that

Have ya ever put butter on a Pop-Tart?