
Nah the season finale was hard but it didn’t hit nearly as hard as Auto Erotic Assimilation.

What’s the word for feeling satisfied that avoiding something for fear of being a waste of time has paid off? The Germans have something for it, I’m sure.

I was thinking of a Broadchurch comparison (and as with Broadchurch I’m not convinced the flaws weren’t there in the first season, just that the positives had faded).

So it suffered from True Detective Syndrome, in other words?

Is that not true of everything related to this show? I’ve thought that it was nothing but a pile of so-edgy/counterculture/”alternative”-virtue flagging since the very first trailer.

This is by far the best, and most subtle, CG suit work we’ve seen yet.

Hey, he was involved in Alien Cubed.....at one point. And then his design was scrapped and they went with the dog/ox hybrid. :/

As I get older, I actually enjoy the third movie (all cuts) more than I did when I was younger. It’s definitely got faults, but I actually enjoyed the return to “One beast, no

Perhaps if you wanted to calibrate H.R. Giger’s “Alien”, you should use an image from the movie he was involved in, not one which was designed by ADI.

Oh yeah, it’s totally understandable in that case. Same thing with FF, X-Men, etc... DC seems to be possibly creating a problem that they don’t need here. lol

That was done because Filmation had the rights for Ghost Busters.

I’m sick of the Barb crap.

Because the writer is balls deep in vampires and dragons this past decade and ignores everything else, she sees Bill Nye and think”oh no not this old guy again, isn’t he a kids show host? Ugh whatever..” If they want a clickbaity headline, they show just go with “Netflix has a new Bill Nye show yay!” Y’know coz this

Given the current state of society today, where ignorance is celebrated, this is sorely needed.

It’s also available streaming with Amazon Prime.

Yeah, they have a release in the UK, so, came out a few years ago with the black and white version, which is fantastic.

God please let him be a new version of The Master.

Because they sucked. :)

Because it’s improperly titled as“Ten Best” when it should be“Great Examples of Ten Different Story Structures.”

Look at them shine.

I discovered Ragman for myself during the whole Day of Vengeance mini and the follow-up (and less fun unfortunately) Shadowpact. I love that they are just pulling out all the stops on the weirdness of the DCU.