
Denise Richards Dreyfus.

Sorry....I’ll go now.

Hoping Best Buy does more of their “House sigil” style slip covers for this season. Would have to have to break that trend with my collection. Though, they already kinda broke it themselves. S1-4 looked sorta like they were wrapped in a house flag. S5 changed to a sorta shiny/metallic finish parchment color with a

Bleeping out a word is not at all the same as using it.

Breaking Bad did it maybe...twice? Three times? It wasn’t once a season. But, even if it was once a season.....that was once a season, and I wanna say in several interviews, or at the very least on episodes of the BB insider podcast, Gilligan even said they used

And in their mind, they probably did think it was good. On a show this big and long running, or any tv series in general, the showrunners usually aren’t purposely trying to make a terrible episode. I think it was a misstep, yes, and I agree it’s going to be real hard to get the same level of tension from the end of

They probably still would have filmed multiple deaths. Even shows that did phone voting in the past USUALLY didn’t blow the whole load of the build up by announcing “the people have spoken, and so next fall, Maggie will have shot Mr. Burns!” The reveal of the winning votes still didn’t come til the episode aired.


Yeah, all that power AMC has over the FCC and network censors. They could totally include “fuck” on a non-premium cable show, they’re just too afraid. Their totally won’t be any sort of backlash for the network and the Walking Dead show runners. Definitely no fines or possible issues getting edgier stuff pushed

I meant to say “OTHER THAN” the shots I listed, that the rest are obviously toys. Yay proof reading.

Yeah, Phasma flames, Phasma snow, the inside of the trooper transport, and the last shot of the flame troopers, they’re very obviously toys. Really well framed and staged shots of toys but....nothing mind bending.

I never really got the bug to do any serious collecting or building after childhood, but I still find sets like these fascinating and pretty wonderful to look at. The more small details, the better.

My dad is actually VERY into it. He’s really why I developed what appreciation for the hobby that I do have. When I was

Alec Holland

I miss “Norm”....and MOST seasons of “The Drew Carey Show”. I admit I had some changes in my life during the last 2 or 3 seasons and just never had the time to see any of them. I caught some sort of glimpses of what appeared to be Kate leaving town (the show), and Drew suddenly had a new blonde girlfriend who was also

Anyone else slightly hoping that The Walking Dead pulls a 70s-90s TV gimmick with Negan, and makes his victim a random retired sports star or celebrity?


Just me?

Also, anyone else who is a Paul Williams fan, Netflix has the documentary “Paul Williams: Still Alive”. I very much enjoyed it. And have had “Rainbow Connection” stuck in my head since watching it.

Maurice Evans. Not Williams.

We’ll see how the box office treats it, and how wider critical audience feels. So far, most of the early reviews I’ve seen have said it’s “Okay” at best, with pacing and writing issues, with too much reliance on ties to the originals while still trying desperately to claim that it’s “a whole new story”.

I have seen

Man, now I have this version of a third movie in my head. Already mental issues from dealing with the “other side” so often. Then Egon gets killed by something. Ray is “insane” in the sense that we find him in a sanitarium, giving lectures in the mess hall (sorta like Selvig in THOR: THE DARK WORLD). Venkman isn’t

Also, IT FOLLOWS also had at least one scene of the main character being yanked and otherwise attacked by an unseen force. Though I do agree, with later viewings, that said scene is somewhat laughable compared to the rest of the movie.

Except IT FOLLOWS had at least one or two “jump” scares. There are plenty of amazing horror movies that include a jump scare or two. It’s the OVER RELIANCE on them that usually points to a crap story.

Glad someone beat me to it. The others listed are just cameos.... Patton is Son of TV’s Frank!

Yes, the swastika dates back long before the third reich...but the reich also altered it, and used in a specific way, and then officially decided to plaster it EVERYWHERE as a symbol of their supremacy and power. Oh, and they just happened to murder millions and millions of people in an attempt to “cleanse” the world