
There’s a difference between “Embracing your comic book source” (see: The Flash) in a way that makes the show feel like a comic book come to life, and still works as an entertaining, mostly well done, light hearted show....

And then the utter garbage of “let’s just throw as much weird, crazy, cartoony-levels-of-stupid

Yeah, the dragons have been pretty hit or miss. 2 weeks ago when they had the aerial shot of the Dothraki with drogon flying over. ALMOST looked late 80s/early 90s quality cheesy/bad, IMO.

I know in the “next week on” teaser, they show John Snow talking to her at a table in what I THINK looked like a building, and not a tent. Maybe he’s gonna blow off some steam while also getting some smoke babies out of her...

Yeah, that villain archetype has never been done before.

Thank you. I’ve yet to see an MCU flick I’d call “bad”, but I was pretty cold on CIVIL WAR walking out of the theater, and I realized that at this point I had already seen the movie 12ish times (or however many are in the MCU now). I had a few issues with the movie and plenty of aspects that I liked, sure, but mostly

Yes, I forgot how tech related movie spoilers were. And entitled...opinion...everyone...forget it, I’ll let you piece that one together.
And yeah, god knows there have never been any other article on here about networks or companies being idiotic with their marketing tactics.

And again, the article never states that she’s angry about it, or “put off”. Never saw anything that indicated that she’s even considering not watching because of this. I’ve actually seen multiple articles, for some stupid reason, discussing the fact that there are no descriptions for the final episodes because HBO is

I’d say it’s a pretty logical opinion to have given all the evidence listed in the article.

“Here’s a minute+ video for an episode we’ve entitled “Battle of the Bastards”!!! But you’ll never get an episode description, because 3 sentences that could only be more vague if we removed character names is too spoilery!”

It’s hardly a complaint, it’s pointing out that it’s a stupid stunt/attempt to maintain secrecy. At no point is the article demanding that the information be released. At no point is it made to seem like it’s a disservice to the fans in general, or the author alone as a viewer was being robbed of anything. It simply

As much as I thought Euron was a little too late into the game in the books, at least there was the “I have *spoilery ancient artifact* that actually provides a strong enough plot device for you all to vote for me!!”

It not only somehow feels even later in the game on the show, but also just really poorly

Or it’s possible that the showrunners decided to bring Coldhands in now as well. While I think GRRM has some degree of decision making, I don’t think he’s got the final say in which characters do or do not appear on the show. And iirc he had/has stepped away from the show entirely to get busy finishing his actual

Yes...yes it could. Love my state, but good lord April/May can be a real pain in the ass forecast wise.

Has anyone confirmed if that’s the case? I know GRRM and the show runners came out the day after “The Door” to confirm that Hodor’s origin was indeed officially from GRRM himself. Haven’t paid enough attention lately to see if any similar statement was made for show Benjen.

Springfield Elementary isn’t exactly known for being the gold standard of education. So chances are pretty good their 10 year olds would still be wowed...other than your Lisas and Martins and a few others, what have you.

Yeah, that’s a big underperformance BUT, “tanked” is a word you’d use for something like JOHN CARTER (OF MARS). Disney lost...what, almost 200 mill on that one?

I wanna say back around s3 or before s4 the showrunners said “LSH will not be happening in our world”...but I seem to recall they said the same about Coldhands as well.

Pffft. The show writers are clearly lost without GRRM. This show NEEDS more convoluted side plots with minor characters and is desperately lacking episodes that just focus on different “feasts” that characters come across in their travels.

Yeah, that seemed very out of place for the BwB...ESPECIALLY since just last episode they had Frey’s twins crying about how the BwB were inspiring and rallying people to join up for Riverrun’s cause. Really doesn’t line up with “You’re helping people, but in the name of a different religion, so we’re going to kill all

I think he mentions it was a mother and YOUNG child that his band of toadies dragged out of their hut....nice thinking, but pretty sure he wasn’t referring to the Red Wedding.

Liquid raccoon feces everywhere....