
Granted, other than Batman, I fell off comics for the most part a couple years ago, so they may have already done something about New 52 Lobo that I’m unaware of.

I actually really like where most of this seems to be going.

More than anything I’m just hoping for a reversal/correction on “Twilight Lobo” and the return of the Main Man....

You do know containers of slime have been a thing before, and well outside of the realm of the original GB movie, right?

This movie looks awful, but depending on where/how she grew up, it’s very possible a 1980s GB branded slime was something she never encountered or was even aware of.

Also....enjoyed DRAG ME TO HELL, but one of the scariest of the decade?? Really?

I dunno if I quite agree with IT FOLLOWS being #1, but I definitely rank it high enough myself to have no issues with it’s spot on the list.

The one I mostly take issue with is THE WITCH. It was incredibly well made from almost every aspect, but, for me anyway, lacked any sort of tension, dread, or fear. I love a good

Ah, I see. Then yes, that’s totally true.

Long gone are the days of “We will never print a planeswalker card, because it would be too powerful.”

Well the basis of the gameplay itself is still “you are a planeswalker”... as far as the actual mythology/storylines, it’s been focused on small groups of heroes since damn near the creation of the game. Though that group of heroes was made up of several races and creatures and pretty confined to one particular plane

Yup. Actually Scott Snyder’s Batman run was one of my favorite in years. And I loved his writing and Capullo’s work together from issue 1. And his (all too short, IMO) run on Swamp Thing in the new 52 was great as well.

Speaking of comic shake ups....am I just missing or somehow unable to find any sort of write up on this site about the “big twist” that recently happened in Marvel’s “Captain America: Steve Rogers #1"???

Correct. Plus, I enjoyed the Flashpoint story arc itself. The problems that came later in the New 52 have to do with poor DC writing decisions. Flashpoint on its own was a fairly solid event IMO.

I’m guessing you already have, but just in case, try googling “Ron Spencer art prints”??? He may or may not have some of his MTG work available. I know I’ve got a few good quality prints of MTG art from Brom and rk Post thanks to searching for their art site/store.

I was disappointed that they stopped with the novels for a couple years, then I saw how far down hill the writing had gone (it didn’t help that for a couple years they tried squeezing the enitre set into one book) and was kinda glad they eventually stopped making them.

Kamigawa block was the last set of books I REALLY

“Joss Whedon willing to be nailed to social cross again over single line purposely taken out of context.”

*pleasure....and other typos. Out of it, busy. Word salad.

I actually agree. As sort of....over done as the “he lived in an abusive home!” origin was, I actually really enjoyed it.

Part III should always be a please with no guilt.
Other than the hate from the “IT DOESN’T HAVE THE SHAPE! NUR NUR NUR NUR!” babies, it’s a really solid little “pod person” horror flick for its time.

In some ways I kinda wish Michael had never become so popular. Then maybe the series could have continued as an

Peter Pan’s gots kids?

I think the producers have confirmed that the whiskey bottle is EXACTLY who you think it is...

I say this as a T-mobile customer, so not disagreeing with your choice in carrier but....

Ah, I see. But, in this particular case, I think the “toy leak” even came from a merchandising convention/toy fair where the booth representative even slipped up (or just didn’t care) and said that he was the “main villain” of the movie.