
Exactly. Several entertainment sites regularly rank the original among the top 3 comedies of all time, often even at the #1 slot. If nothing else just for the verbal jokes per minute it delivers compared to most other “classic” comedies.

True, but toys with that villainous a name, AND a giant version of that character showing up in the trailer points to that being the awful, awful truth here.

Well one or two scenes in all of the trailers we’ve seen so far are obviously from the garage area of the firehouse. So they’ll either upgrade to it at the end, or start there, then lose it or it will be destroyed (possibly like the “ghost explosion” in the original?) and they will move to the restaurant later.

Your lucid argument of

-“Well I got a text about my grandmother’s passing” (Personal experience which, sad to hear, but has nothing to do with this Marvel movie)
- “Steve was gone a long time so they weren’t really important to each other anymore” (I’ll give you that’s one way of looking at it, and I provided a

Trivializing the scene by thinking critically about it and not just saying “It’s Marvel, so it’s gold!”???

Yeah, Steve only visited her after he thawed out. Providing comfort to her and trying to maintain some sort of person friendship or relationship of any kind in her later years. He was clearly very important to her

He didn’t help them escape, and it’s never stated that he did.

Ramsay says that while torturing Theon, Theon told him the truth about the Stark boys, including who helped them escape and how. I would imagine finding a guard with is dick out and his throat cut or stabbed would be pretty easy to piece together a rough

I’m not saying that they shouldn’t have also had it bolster Steve’s conviction. But, “ALSO” is the key word there.

Steve simply getting a text message saying “Pgy ded. Sry. :(“, and then only using her funeral in order to squeeze in those brief lines from her niece....just felt cheap and lazy. It would have been one

That’s a bigger tribute than she got in CIVIL WAR....ugh, I need to stop mentioning it. It just angers me the more I think about it..

It’s no worse than the insulting treatment her character received in Civil War.

Series could explore the lives of other people caught up in the same incident. Or retcon the movie’s ending in a few ways, and just have them trying to find safety and supplies in a now infested/devastated US. Though that would pretty much turn it into The Walking Dead with beasts from another dimension instead of

Also, I was kinda surprised they apparently actually killed ******* off screen last year. For a show that prides it’s self on being brutal and graphic so often, having the camera cut away as the sword was coming down at him seemed too out of place. I figured they were going to find a way to get some new use out of him

I think as far as not seeing the Hound die on screen combined with
-many viewers don’t even know about LSH, so they wouldn’t be expecting her to pop back up.
-even if you’re a viewer who has read (or at least researched) the books, I believe the showrunners confirmed long ago that LSH was officially cut from the show’s

My mind is plenty open, it’s still a terrible comparison. It’s like saying someone who doesn’t like Picasso must love that children all over the globe are starving.

Having an “open mind” doesn’t mean just accepting flawed arguments.

Yes, because something that can be proven to be beneficial to all of humanity is totally the same as something subjective like a TV show....

I’m not pitching you on anything, since you already said you are against them...just point out that most of the “studies” you mention are about as valid as climate change and evolution denial. And that, as someone else commented in this thread, GMOs actually tend to use fewer pesticides than organics.

Except for the fact that Organics DON’T use less pesticides. If anything they tend to use more since many GMO’d crops, like Bt corn, have some defenses genetically built in. Resulting in both a wider variety of pesticides, and in heavier doses for the “organic” versions.

And the “studies” you referred to, are not only

Dunno why, but have always had a soft spot for Bill Mumy’s “the Ballad of William Robinson”.

Well that makes me feel a little bit better.

Cuz who needs any reminders of classic tv and film writing (not that a “falling elevator” is the prime representation, but still) when you can cram more of the same market flooding franchises into every corner of your parks.

I haven’t been to Disneyland in over 2 decades. Do they still have ANY nostalgic attractions or
