
I had something similar happen to my father and I in our backyard when I was a child. It was not only impressive to watch it pass in front of the moon, but a little scary in a beautiful sort of way to listen to everything else shut up as it’s shadow passed over. Nothing wanted to become a meal.

And then had a new

This. Stannis couldn’t keep his men loyal after burning his own daughter with “good reason” (it was horrible, but his intentions are at least...sorta? better than Ramsay’s). I doubt there’s any way that EVERY soldier in Winterfell is willing to back up the lies of someone they quite possibly hate.

Comparing nukes to the Death Stars/Starkiller base is kinda inaccurate.

Exactly. Everything I’ve glanced at story wise for the “new” expanded universe seems to point to the fact that the Republic and the Resistance were well aware that the First Order...errr...large hold outs of the Empire still existed and were just sitting back somewhere. And there’s even the official “excuses” of the

That’s also true. On top of the fact that, yes, it’s a big universe, but NO ONE at any point (especially during their lengthy search for Luke) noticed an entire planet was being “reconstructed” into a giant weapon??

because experience AND finances wise, you had already lost two incredibly costly battle stations practically minutes after they reached full functionality.

Well, I hope they do, but if not, a shot of the back of each vinyl does state that a full length soundtrack is coming from Mondo this Halloween. So hopefully that will be available in a digital or CD format.

Any word on if these will include download codes for the tunes? Rock Until You Drop is still one of my favorites, but it’s been impossible for me to find a full-length, decent quality version of it. Most are just poorly done loops of the audio ripped from that montage.

Yup. He was very under used in the movie. And it looks like I’ll be spending extra money to import the Gillman version from the UK. Dammit...

It’s still a “beta” service, so I don’t know if you could get it outside the US yet, but you might look into Shudder as well. A Horror only streaming service. Selection continues to improve and they regularly offer “curated” lists from horror directors.

I’m not complaining that a lego product looks like lego. I’m complaining at the concept of taking properties with their own UNIQUE VISUAL STYLE and feeling the need to completely strip them of anything special or interesting about them and then act like that’s worth a ridiculous amount of money when most of them you

Hulu isn’t quite there, but they have a decent catalogue of most of the studios you mentioned. I enjoy B horror movies as well, but for the most part, after the early 2000s, a lot of the budget horror movies turned into the Asylum style of garbage. I dunno if it’s just practical effects that made the 90s and earlier

Am I the only one who is kinda sick of the lego craze? They are (were?) great creative toys.....until they needed to suck any unique, or special “visual style” out of every property they scoop up to make it look exactly like lego. Even lego Minecraft for fuck’s sake!!!

Same could be said of their horror selection. Yeah...there’s a decent number of them on there, but 98.5% of them are all Asylum or SyFy level garbage that some company churned out in a weekend.

Hulu is currently my go-to for Horror flicks. Some of those are actually Criterion (VIDEODROME, THE BROOD, KURONEKO)....gonna

900 movies are going to be leaving in November, and you only list 21 of them? At least maybe highlight the issue of “These are 21 greats, but ALL of the Criterion movies will be leaving come Nov.”??

Also, might be quits between Hulu and I then. Main reason I still have it now is for Criterion. Slightly less so (and

Yes....casting a previously male character as woman who is generally viewed as being very open and fluid in her sexuality and gender isn’t diverse at all...

This is overly generic thinking that ignores a lot of other factors, including city/region you live in etc. It’s a nice “Pull up your boot straps” sentiment, but one that ignores changes in the economy and cost of living over the years. As someone who lived paycheck to paycheck on minimum wage not too many years ago

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Fett. He’s an amazingly designed character that looks just intimidating and badass.

It’s also not like they went directly to Boba Fett alone for that job. They had how many different bounty hunters on that bridge? And I’m sure the galaxy’s version of “wanted” posters floating out there as well.

Vader even stops to wag a finger at him essentially saying “We need them alive. You do this OUR way, or