
That’s not Vader fearing Fett...it’s respecting the fact that the Empire regularly employs bounty hunters for this type of dirty work, and possibly has some dealings with Jabba’s network as well.

Boba is’t one of Vader’s incompetent underlings. He force chokes sniveling officers who were lazy, or made mistakes they

Except Batman has decades of being a master detective, fighter, and all around absolute badass. Until the EU, Boba Fett had been in an awful cartoon, 30 seconds of ESB in which he just watches Vader take care of everything, and then roughly the same amount of screen time in ROTJ in which he fails at doing much good

Except in every one of those cases, it turned out the seed didn’t just “end up” in that farmer’s crop. They were taken to court for using/stealing licensed seed that they didn’t pay for. Often caught stealing by said neighbors for “piggy backing” off of their willingness to pay for those seeds. And in those cases, the

Right? You gotta figure that Oberyn would not have been a fan of his brother and nephew being murdered in such a way.

Several typos here. Sorry. Still early for me.

Maybe it’s just me, but I viewed the scene as her being soooo shaken in her faith (between Stannis not being who she believed, and then seeing John in the flames only to find him dead on her return) that she’s now starting to feel the weight of the things she has done and pushed others to do for that faith. She’s

Yup. They had to go through every frame in the CBS archives to restore them etc. etc. Due to budget on the show, certain sections of the tape were re-used in later seasons (mostly just things like shots of the Enterprise floating above a planet etc.), so I think season one was ALMOST missing a few shots on the

And no Chris Walken PUSS IN BOOTS either???!!

I loved it from a visual standpoint. Both from the great, and lush effects work, and from getting to stare at Charlize in those fantastic costumes. Story/writing wise though....it gets rougher to sit through for me every time I decide to watch it. And Stewart’s acting....ugh.

They have about as much background in biotech as you do from what I can tell. You’ve made claims, all of which have been shut down by links to reputable reports and articles.

You’ve been asked to back up your experience, and you’ve just continued to dodge the subject beyond essentially “Oh, I totally have a

Yes, because cured/aged products in a controlled environment is totally the same as something that’s been rotting out in the wilderness.

Making comparisons across totally different species with totally different digestive biology is pretty short sighted thinking.

Many of the things we eat are extremely harmful to other animals and insects etc. And the reverse can be true as well.

Hell, onion and garlic can be lethal to dogs....but a)dogs will still try

At this point I barely even care about the books anymore. FfC was absolutely dull descriptions of different “feasts” that characters were attending or wandering near etc. DwD I found almost as dull for the most part.

I would say I’ll save my excitement for the 3rd “King Killer Chronicles” book....but PR has suddenly

Yeah, multiple whacks to the head with a barbed wire baseball bat is easy to survive. Especially when the “cracking” sound becomes more of a “squish”. I also doubt the show is willing to pay for an actor, or even high quality dummy to just spend the rest of the series as a vegetable in a bed...

Oh man. No LAST SAMURAI, where the extra gets kicked in the junk by a horse? This whole video fails.

That’s also the best “sneak peak” I’ve seen from AMC in a long while. I somehow never learned my lesson, and would keep watching the Talking Dead, just to see “Here’s a exclusive look at next week...oh, and it’s 35 seconds of Morgan just staring off camera with no expression on his face.”

I was already excited for this

Oh, and I’m sure I’ll get word-murdered but...I never liked Metalocalypse.

It was just watching the entire band be absolutely stupid, while half of them did so through baby-talk. And while they did a great job of making actual metal references...the show also seemed to wink and nod at calling metal fans the biggest

Tim and Eric always angered me more than entertained me. A lot of the “anti-comedy” movement tends to have that effect on me. I love ATHF and the like because of their absolute absurdist approach. There’s very much a vibe of “let’s see how insane we can keep making this situation by throwing all of our (probably) drug

He’d like to, but that’s totally a matter of getting a studio to willingly give him the money. Hellboy 2 wasn’t exactly a blockbuster (sadly), so most aren’t willing to just hand over the cash he’d need for the 3rd.

Yes, and Kylo Ren is pretty much the most powerful force user in the universe that isn’t a terrible CGI character hiding on a planet somewhere. Until the end when Rey lifts up her back panel and activates her Jedi Master toggle, he’s pretty much got the second biggest force dong in the galaxy. And second in command of