
I guess, technically, it’s a hard left in the sense that we got to see the death at the end of that issue in the comic, as opposed to not having any idea what happened to who til the next issue?? And after the bullshit fake out with his dead in the first half of s6, and then this idiotic cliffhanger, I wouldn’t put it

Yeah, I still mourn the death of plasma a few times a year. It also seems to have resulted in the mainstream death of Panasonic...at least here in the US. I’ve found several different reviews or articles on Panny LED models with impressive specs for UK/Europe/Asia....almost none written for/by US sites, and any

Exactly. It might not have the same resolution as a top of the line 4k OLED, but my...5? year old Panasonic plasma still looks amazing, and I’ve had zero issues seeing any of the colors described here. That’s actually a huge part of what’s kept me from switching to a 4k set. OLED is waaaay out of my price range at the

Which in turn trickles down to Vader, who is essentially acting out the fact that he was not treated like “the chosen one” he was once upon a time viewed as, and denied his destiny of “happiness” with a wife/family because of the control and “betrayal” of the Jedi, and his impotence to shape thing to his liking and

Unlike any Villain SW has had except for your description, which almost perfectly applies to Ep. II and III Anakin??

Yes, yes I am. I got my degree at Dr. Midnight’s school for the homeless.

Granted, they could have filmed/used other angles. And I also hear that they’ve filmed at least 2 versions, one with and one without Negan’s famous...vocabulary. Hopefully both cuts make it to the blu-ray.

Don’t know about the entire scene, nor the final cut...but from the 11ish seconds of leaked footage, it looks like at least the first swing will be a POV shot, with the camera suddenly dropping, and then “swaying” unevenly back up to Negan’s smiling face. Too blurry to tell for sure, but it LOOKS like his lips even

Except said fetus is barely the size of a peanut right now, so it likely doesn’t have teeth, nails, or any other ability to harm her from the inside. Hell, since it’s so under developed, it might not even be capable of “turning” after death.

Also, did Gimple specify that the “left turn” would be with that exact scene? Or just story wise before the end of the season? I can’t find the exact quote again, but I don’t recall him specifically pointing to that scene, just in general before s6's end. Which, they SORTA have done by having Rick’s group strike first

In tone with the comics....Except for Negan’s code of not killing women or children (at least by his own hands)