I felt so old when I read your comment and realized we are in a different decade than when Single Ladies came out. Ugh.
I felt so old when I read your comment and realized we are in a different decade than when Single Ladies came out. Ugh.
The Airline rules are as follow:
I am personally offended by this guy because Keira Knightley is my Imaginary BFF, and how dare he insult her? All those feelings you people have about Jennifer Lawrence? I have them for Keira Knightley instead.
This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine and is starting to ruin concerts for me.
I also read way too many of those seventeen/YM mag embarrassing stories as a kid. I haven’t had my period in 3 years but I know it would pop up the second I put those pants on.
Sometimes in my clear headed moments, I know I am going to be hungover the next day with a chance of puking so I clean my toilet the night before.
I feel like everyone is being defensive about their toilet right now, so I’m just gonna come out and say it: I’m a filthy dirty slob and I don’t clean my bathroom regularly. I’m a nasty-toilet witch here to make everyone feel better about their own habits, and freeing all of you from feeling potentially judged.
Threw my clock at the wall and smashed it to bits. Happy as a clam ever since.
Wow. Yeah, people who lie about allergies are dicks because it makes it really hard for those of us with legit dietary restrictions.
Just give us Starfleet options. I personally want to see some dudes rocking the Skant.
He must’ve saw his ranking on the Rappers with the biggest vocabulary.
Why is this even a question? Over. Always over. Only monsters do under.
OMG, you guys are killing me:
Today is my anniversary. My husband and I often joke that the mere thought of dating again is enough to keep us together. We haven't been together as long as you and your spouse, but long enough to know that we are happily and irrevocably stuck with each other.
Really? If someone insists on paying for the meal I always offer to pay the tip. That way 1) I'm still contributing 2) the server will get tipped much better because I have money allotted for my meal and tip 3) the server will be tipped in cash.
At least you get ‘my day was crappy’...I get a ‘fine’ or even better, a grunt. Because according to him, ‘there’s no point in talking about because it doesn’t change anything’.
I didn’t recognize it as an issue until recently. Not that I refused to recognize it, I just didn’t realize it was a problem. I also grew up in a fucked up household but I didn’t start thinking of the ramifications of that until recently. Fortunately I made it out mostly unscathed, but I can sometimes see the…
I’m worried I’m going to be alone FOREVER because I refuse to be with someone who can’t unbottle their crap and sit with it and be vulnerable (but also strong). I’ve had to live a very hard and fucked up life (abuse) and the only way I am getting through it is by unbottling, being vulnerable, and standing strong…
I’m desperately trying to get the husband to have more Serious Talks with me, or hell... with anyone. The more he bottles his crap up the more I feel like I can’t bring up my own crap and now I’m on the path to wondering if I settled or if this is what it’s like for everyone.
don’t let go of that thought. Make him tell you or go to therapy or something. You’re describing relationship death, but it can get better.