
NFT’s have not even started to be a thing yet. This goes way beyond simple things like pictures, but i feel like you guys are probably getting paid to crap on NFT’s since I have not seen a single positive post or even one that explains what NFT’s can actually be used for 

Can we call this what it is? She made her money making mild sexual content for kids under 18. Is that all that watch her? Of course not but lets not pretend it’s not a large portion of her audience. Lets be real. She’s a borderline pedo and it’s gross.

The solution is is the same as its always been for owners of Cyberpunk for PS4. Just buy a PS5 and play it there.

Love how they say aggregate websites are bullshit but that is the entire point of this article is summarizing other reviews.

Of course, aggregation sites are total bullshit, a copout that boils discussion down to metrics and allows fans to isolate themselves from meaningful critique. But that doesn’t negate that critics are skewering this thing.

I didn’t want to be the one who put you at 70 likes, so Nice. But also, I agree. 

Yeah, there’s no way in hell Destiny 2 is “number 2 behind WoW”, especially when WoW isn’t even the number 1 MMO anymore, let alone the number 1 game which it hasn’t been in over a decade lol.

Why lead with her trans status? It has nothing to do with the story. Their place in society won’t be normalized until writers like you stop making it their lead identifier. Being a Jeopardy champion is way more interesting.

One more time where it seems like the actual blog author is outshone by the comments

I’m sorry am I taking fucking crazy pills? That was obviously Shuma Gorath.

Reminder, kids: buy physical media or only media that you can download and run/use locally.

you can’t see the stats of anyone other than the people in your squad. there’s no scoreboard”

I came into this article ready to mouth off, then read through and thought “Yeah, you’re right”. I was worried you were thinking Other M was the way to do it, but glad to see that dismissed. I didn’t stop to think about the emotional weight aspect of many of the cutscenes because that stoic mercenary vibe is the Samus

It’s already way more of a controversy than it should be tbh but good to see there’s still some normal minded people left in this world

Dave is hilarious. Y’all should just shut the F up. “That phobia! This phobia!”. If you, crying snowflakes, watched the special, you would at least know what you’re criticizing. Bunch of dumb Fs. Why is it OK to make insulting jokes about Christians or Muslims, but when it comes to the “alphabets” it’s “hate speech”

Team TERF reporting in PROUDLY! People are tired of having these delusions of immoral sexuality shoved in their faces and being told to forcefully accept it. NO.

It’s unfortunate that almost all of the comments supporting Dave are still pending. It’s a lil fishy is all I’m saying.

Cry me a river. All you bleeding hearts over edgy comedy need to just... go away.

This will probably get removed or not approved to begin with, but have you all actually watched the special? Life isn’t as black and white as you’d all like to believe. Some of us are capable of dissecting and discussing issues without making blanket good vs evil assumptions. There are things called nuance and