
This article, and FIFA itself, is putting way too much stock in the FIFA name. If this falls through and FIFA sells the rights to whoever, EA’s game will still be king. Also HOLY FK are these two companies greedy as shit. It’s disgusting.

No shit. It’s like the perfect clickbait. Controversial topic that they can plaster a picture of an attractive woman on. It’s still trash tabloid-quality content.

Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit

It's very convenient in this "fuck Nintendo" post, they only make a passing mention that the game is actually developed by the much smaller company, Mercury Steam. 

What the fuck is wrong with you, Kotaku? “We hate how shitty developers have it… here’s a way to directly fuck them even worse.” Fucking idiots. BTW it’s not “legally very dubious.” It’s very illegal. Assholes. 

I see that this article underwent a completely different rewrite from when I originally read it. Where it originally once said “If you’re a Nintendo lawyer or employee... just don’t read this.” and “Thank God for pirates, emulators, modders, and hackers.”, it’s now been completely rewritten. Screenshots of the

Look, y’all, I hope from having commented here for years that it’s clear I’m approaching this in good faith, but that edit? “We regret that interpretation” and talking about how your readers are independent adults isn’t an apology. It reads very much “we’re sorry you feel that way.”

It truly is sickening. There are people stupid enough to say pirating is okay because Nintendo didn’t give me a 4K option lol. Like, are they that fucking stupid? What has this world come to

So this is what happens when everyone with talent leaves a once great website? You fill it shockfull with ads and print promotes piracy of new games. This wouldn't have happend back when and you know it. Fucking shameful what happend to this site.

Wow. Those are some ethics you have there, Kotaku. Actively advocating and cheering on emulators for a current (2 days old!) release on a current console? And there’s a slew of other Metroid games available on easily obtainable hardware. I get it when the game is old/out of print/long dead hardware, but for crying out

I cannot believe some Kotaku editor okayed this article. Advocating piracy ONE DAY after a game launches? Are you freaking kidding me?

Yeah. Someone in the comments is trying to rationalize it by saying, “Oh it’s more encouraging the downloading of a Switch emulator which isn’t illegal!”

I’m not fond of articles like these. The tone is encouraging persons to pirate the game.

I didn’t have the exact words for why this article made me uneasy, but this is it. You nailed it. I support archival and even deeper rights for the end user of software than currently exist, but this... this feels wrong.

Older games, I can understand - but encouraging the torrenting/pirating of a game one day after its’ release? For fuck’s sake.

This is the epitome of an anecdotal comment. I’ve never seen it, so 99.99999999% of people haven’t seen it! Speak for yourself bud, but others might be seeing trannies all the time.

Comparing some radicalist left comments advocating violence vs. the white power right violence that has led to real world genocide in the past countless times? It’s not even close who’s the real danger to society.

kraptoku, “we didnt know. we just had an extremely close relationship with them for decades. but yeah we promise we didnt know anything.”

so a lot of game studios love to brutally terrorise women.
