
Love your comment. I couldn’t stand the LotR books when Tolkien spent 15 pages describing bark on a tree.

Your commas are, making me, dizzy

Kinda sorta feel like this was paid for.

Castlevania season 2’s threesome is peak Netflix anime.

Thanks, let me solo her. You helped me kill Malenia among many many others and I have the trophy vid/pic to prove it!

Grind 4-1. Stop at the castle gate. Rinse and repeat. I was like you, frustrated until I did that and I ended up platinuming the game

Journalism at its finest.

The United States is democracy’s nightmare. Wish their military might was in the hands of a country with a stronger democratic backbone. What a gross place.

There it is, the inception!

Put simply, when an author on this site is in the comment section aggressively bashing anyone who thinks Kotaku might be dirty…where there’s smoke there’s fire.

Why can’t you be the one writing articles instead? I’d rather hear your much more thorough full-sided opinion vs these kotaku editors vehemently attacking anyone who tells them to discuss the full conversation

Your point is super basic for anyone to understand on the leveling curve, but kotaku seems to be ignoring that in this case. Purposeful or accidental oversight is the only question.

Love to respond to this, but unfortunately Kotaku likes to control the messages in the comments too much. Talk about being edgy overlords. No freedom of speech to be found here. Garbage website.

Tried responding and kotaku deleted it lol. They are super overlords deleting people’s messages whenever they disagree with them. Pathetic website.

Its true you guys have no dollar incentive on paper to post neutral to semi-positive things about the title.

“And I’ll never spend a dime on it.”

Lol. FfXiii-2 has a 40/40 from famitsu

So sad I’ll miss out on the next big Kojima hit, Yellow Sunrise: to save the world, you manage an entire porta potty delivery service from beginning to end. “I never knew how much fun and work goes into a porta potty until this game and now I want to change my lifestyle.”  - some reviewer

But why. Can you please explain?

Please go on and explain further if you can