“Arguably, we’ve already had the “perfect” D&D movie thanks to Peter Jackson’s adaptations of The Lord Of The Rings in the 2000s—which, if I’m being honest, do chart a bit too close to “action movie” for my taste”
“Arguably, we’ve already had the “perfect” D&D movie thanks to Peter Jackson’s adaptations of The Lord Of The Rings in the 2000s—which, if I’m being honest, do chart a bit too close to “action movie” for my taste”
Because without explicit mention of ‘in the context of speedrunning’, a reasonable person would assume the shortcut was a long-hidden Easter egg. That sort of thing not being found for over a decade would be pretty interesting!
“I should note here that the definition of a “shortcut” being used in this video doesn’t mean the obvious, intentional ones Nintendo always litters its tracks with. It instead means an unintentional shortcut, one that relies on an oversight or exploitation of code to make some serious time savings.”
absolutely do not understand why the expansion is so barebones
I’m of the opposite-ish opinion on this season. Actual character lore and growth for Zavala, Crow, and even Eris? I’m all the hell for that. I’ve been convinced for a while that Crow will become the new Hunter Vanguard but after this season I’m not sure anymore since he, well not quite technically, won the Dare…but…
If it helps, I found the Shrine of Storms to have the fastest zones for grinding in both the early and late game.
Take a moment to consider how every time somebody says “Sure, these laws are horrible, but they’ll never be enforced,” it turns out that’s wrong, and fascists will gladly enforce them to oppress everybody they don’t like.
Forcing anyone to learn a language to gain access to gain access to government services is some ass-backwards bullshit anyway you slice it. Rhetoric about “preserving culture” is nationalist propaganda.
When your only defence of a bill is “Yes on paper it’s horrific, but they won’t actually enforce it!”, you’re in a pretty shit situation, frankly.
...does even France go this far with this parochial bullshit? Because holy shit, this is some really vile reactionary crap.
Simple. Incels are looking for someone to channel their rage when they feel alone. Knock the prequels all you want but Lucas was ON POINT on how lonely boys who start off with good intentions get duped into facism.
Grooming children and violent assault is ‘curious’? I wonder what word you would have chosen if Ezra wasn’t non-binary?
ngl, whenever you write about difficulty in games it feels like you’re trying to will the “git gud” comments into existence so that you have a villain in the comments to point at, or like you’re trying to whip up an argument.
That isn’t how it works and you guys know it. Obviously nobody pushed a suitcase full of cash under a table to him, that isn’t what we are saying....
What we ARE saying is that your platform is choosing to “brush off” a lot of legit criticism to garner and remain positive in the eyes of the publisher as to not burn…
I actually disagree with this. If you want a real example of that you should go read Fahey’s gushing about Marvel Future Revolution. Which read somewhere between self-justification and like he’d been paid to talk it up.
I haven’t played enough Immortal to see where the paywall really is, but in MFR was right there out…
...they’re trying to sell games, not win a palme d’or lol.
Isn’t this a legally risky bet? I have no issues with emulation myself, but if they’re directly marketing the device for its use as an emulator, that seems to open them up to lawsuits from people with way more money than they would have to defend themselves.