
Rochester Hills is the only place I’ve ever been kicked out of for non profit canvassing (with explicit “we’ll arrest you if you don’t leave” - could’ve fought it but too damn tired). ‘Good’ times. Frightened upper income folks. Poor kid. 😐

This is my hometown. This is not surprising to me, at all. Rochester Hills is mostly mid-level executives, and upper-middle class families, with good schools. All that Trump country reasoning for racism goes right out the window because I KNOW these motherfuckers, and they should know better. I’ve seen so much idle

Mmm, just the perfect amount of draggage.

A lot of haters in the comments. Chill out, dudes. We’re not making fun of your fanny packs and bifocals, don’t hate on cool people for having imaginative tattoos! 

No, they save people with tattoos from working for insufferable jerks who have no concept of human decency or science.

Sounds like great decision-making to me.

“How is it an indicator of poor decision making?”

Try again. I’m a woman with tattoos, so even more pearl clutching is needed in your 1950s perfect land where no one has tattoos.

I feel like working for you can’t be a good job, so bullet dodged there.

I call BS, these comments have made it clear people with tattoos can’t hold a job that long, if they even get hired.

Ah yes, the thread where a bunch of presumptuous fuckos shit on tattooed folks.

Totally read that first one as how many HDs that Mustang had take out.

Isn’t there more drama amongst the guys?

Only if she’s the star.

That’s how I felt about most of the Grand Tour season as well, but not the final episode. That one left me straight pissed off. Talk about tone deaf, outdated, and offensive.

Nah I just write about why cars suck

Am I alone in wanting to hear of Mr. Tracy’s misadventures from the perspective of his friends? I can just imagine...

Looks like his Focus was on the wrong things and he went over the Edge.

But that’s not what he said—he conceded that he has not lived up to expectations. If his statement were the way you are characterizing it, it would be: