
Or maybe Porsche (or their contractors) should better vet their visitors? or do what GM does every single time I visit one of their facilities and place a security sticker over my phone with a serial number, record the number and make me show security that it is still affixed to my phone? The point is, if Porsche or

What a shit counter argument.

I find it hard to believe that they don’t have a busy agenda outside of F1 races. Those are not that frequent, you know.

I thought the grid kids was a creative, positive solution for everyone involved. I’m really disappointed if they’re Formula E is stepping away from that. Maybe I’m just weird, but I don’t see sporting events of any variety as a flimsy secondary premise to “look at chicks.”

I’m gonna be totally honest, I never even considered that it would be in a bag. I just pictured her carrying around a goddamned seven foot unicycle through the airport.

Funny, it’s older farts like me that frequently bemoan the state of air travel because we can remember how much better it used to be before the deregulation era started. Mind you, though the actual flights are much worse than for example my trips to Hawaii on Wardair back in the 80's, it’s the demeaning “security

It seems very similar to teachers who work in private schools and molest children. They usually end up leaving one institution (voluntarily, not because they were fired, mind you) and simply go find work elsewhere. The school they left figures “Problem solved!” so why bother contacting other institutions to let them

I don’t think it’s super complicated: when 15-year-old girls are reporting serial sexual assault, maybe don’t use the power of a state university and athletic commission to fucking bury it

Random observation but it really hammers home how long this went on that the first victim has children while child victims are testifying.

They really should have thrown in the towel after 88.

Jalopnik writers after winning a Pulitzer

not an engineer.

Your applause is one of silence. Silence not interrupted by rattling or vibration. Damn I love me a good bushing.

The last thing I need is my virtual assistant to be koi...

So it’s okay if he’s privately racist and you consider it ‘being frank’? Fuck off with that noise—I’m done with any argument you put forth.

If you kids were smart enough you’d give this gentleman his own column and give him some cars to review.

I’m more successful than Trump by the metric of not being despised by millions of Americans. You’re equating political power/money with an objective measure of success. What about Mother Teresa or Oskar Schindler? They had little wealth by the end of their lives—are you going to judge them as unsuccessful?

Yeah, but the reason he did that was because he had no choice - he had a censorship code to follow.