
This car is the automotive equivalent of the night terror-inducing zombie bear from Annihilation. It’s face is half skeleton, and it uses the call of something you love to pull you in before ripping your face off and eating you.

Go fuck yourself. 

There’s a lot to unpack here. I’m trans and I’ve spent my career thus far in customer-facing IT. I’ve long accepted that I will have both co-workers and customers who hate me. I guess that’s life where I can expect to always get the short stick.

Now playing

Molly is a woman and a hell of a racer. She won the national title in 2016.

Molly herself said there was a stump. So congratulations on being wrong. Also enjoy your imminent banning, Roberto.

I watched Molly’s interview on WRC Live last night, apparently the bale wasn’t there for the tree but for a stump in front of the tree. Stumps are extra nasty because of how they focus the impact into an extremely small area. My friend ran into a stump head on at LSPR in 2016 at about 50 or 60 mph, the impact buckled

I bet the numbers look even worse when you start tossing in other variables like race, sexuality, gender identity, etc.

I’ve yet to meet someone who actually enjoys *wearing* their bras. Indeed, I loved how the bras made me appear to have crazy cleavage, however after an hour or so I felt like my back wanted to go out. And that was in a bra fitted by their onsite “professional” fitter. And it’s not like my cup size was out of their

And yet if you read...I don’t know...like any other comment on this article (or even online reviews) of their bras you’d see that they don’t even fit the skinny women they’re designed for. I’ve yet to meet a professional bra fitter even jokingly recommend a VS bra.

Ah, Victoria’s Secret. *smh*

I mean...

Reuss had to take evasive action after Robert Duvall ordered Trikle to hit the pace car.

The look on Patrick George’s face knowing his Camaro crash has been knocked down a notch on the list of worst GM street car crashes at Belle Isle:

Reuss. It might be pronounced Royce but it’s sure as shit spelled Reuss.

After that episode of Black Mirror, you guys are kidding, right?

Hmm. Interesting. “Contractors” in most factories and any company these days means temp staff who have no benefits, paid holidays, sick days or anything else beyond their woefully small paycheck.

How is this a hit piece if it’s all true? The company can’t make half of the vehicles it promised at this point, and yet they’re getting rid of workers. He’s blaming the woes of his company on outside contractors when the issue is clearly much bigger.

its historically proven that only bad flash games can teach kids math. i went through the same thing with mathblasters and look at me now!

Not only that, but the bio mother of Devonte Hart lost her children due to drug addiction, though she was working on getting clean and the kids weren’t being abused. She found out her children were murdered from news reports. She wouldn’t have known otherwise.