
This is why I’m sorta afraid to start instructing. I’m sure I’ll get a guy who won’t listen to me and the next thing I know he’ll have us backwards into a wall.

You and Kristen bring awesome content to Jalopnik! I think that you two bring some awesome and different perspectives on our hobby. I’m happy that you’re doing what you’re doing, one can only cope with so much of Torchinsky’s whimsy.

Nah bro, it’s not about fucking with your friends, or busting chops. It’s about sexist jokes, male superiority complexes and only seeing women as eye candy for the passenger seat. There are plenty of women out there who will bust your chops and take you down a peg.

I don’t think wanted to be treated like a human being is asking for a hand out, but ok.

Wonderfully said. I’m just so sorry that it seems every facet of work/interests/life has these horrid expectations and additional work placed upon women in a given field—I read the final line and thought Oh, fuck, and it’s not any better in Meteorology, is it?

Have you asked a woman how she feels about that? I have never heard of a group of men being referred to boys, it’s always guys.

I was at a track day this past summer at my new home track. I was wearing a hat with just the track outline of Road America, my previous home track where I have almost 2,000 miles on track. I had a guy I still don’t know come up to me and the first thing he said was “Have you actually been there or do you just have

Thank you, and your fiancée rocks!

Nope, in the Detroit region there are some people in places of authority that shouldn’t be. I see a lot of the hyper competitive ultra masculine shit too. Don’t get me wrong, there are a bunch of really nice cool people in my region, but it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch.


Shit like this gives me cancer.

Women who’ve had hip or lower back injuries, women who were sexually assaulted as children, women with severe/chronic UTIs, etc. The list continues. Like all parts of the human body, the pelvic floor can be out of wack for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with having kids.

I think they key you might be missing is that he was alone with these girls when he treated them. Therefore, there was no way for the parents or any other person to know the details about what he was doing. Given that these athletes were young and under so much pressure to succeed; given that this man was vouched for

You’re fucking gross. What was she supposed to do? Get a medical degree?! Fuck you and your victim blaming, rape apologist misogyny.  

Way to blame the victim asshole. They’re children being abused by a person in power, they don’t have the tools to make that judgement or to react appropiately. It’s not like there was high level institutional discussion that’s how he was “medically treating” athletes and they felt he was justified. Get fucked

I’ve done just that???? And what exactly do you think the mental health professional is going to do? Recommend some option that’s been proven time and time again not to work for gender identity disorder?

You seem very fixated on genitalia. Have you talked to anyone about that?

Yeah, people love to clutch pearls and wail about their super high moral standards GUILT and INNOCENCE. As if there were ever ANY consequences for famous men accused of assault, and they just want to warn us away from the inevitable horrific gynocratic dystopia that will immediately materialize if we as a society

“Totally useless and unnecessary.”