
I wasn’t referring to this guy when I said “previous issues.” A different one, with a Model X:

Have you read the articles with previous issues? It’s not just fit and finish (you know, things that other automakers are skewered over) but things like some guy literally driving around holding his door closed because it wouldn’t stay shut.

bless your heart, you must’ve never had the joy of reading customer verbatims.

Now playing

just be glad it isn’t an exhaust vuvuzela!

Someone told you to fuck off for bothering them on their break and you’re still this bitter?

How is being aware of a rumor “trying to ruin someone’s career with hearsay?” Furthermore, all you need to do is look at the White House to prove that accusations don’t actually “ruin someone’s career.”

How exactly do you get “proof” someone blocked you into a room and jacked off? Even if you can somehow confirm a date and time that they were in the same studio, the interrogation never ends. This is why people don’t come forward right away, if ever. If you’re not a judge or on a jury I don’t see what the big deal is

I’m currently an engineer who’s been in CAW/UAW assembly plants for the past 4 years and it’s engineers with your shit attitude and misplaced sense of superiority/jealousy that make me think hourly folks deserve every cent of their wage for putting up with your nonsense.

idk clearly we’re all in southeast Michigan except Justin

FYI - Macomb Township is about 35 miles north of Detroit, so about as close as Greenwich CT is from the Gawker HQ in Manhattan.

I’m not so certain. If it’s sold as optional content to the base car, they might not even have to test with it. Also it seems to be out of the plane in the down position, possibly the active one too. As long as they can meet visibility on the lights they’re probably fine?

It’s almost like by making money in the present you can use it to fund future things

And what praytell do you think Ford and GM do with their current profits on truck and SUV sales? Definitely not investing in future plans enough that BoA Merrill Lynch is upgrading GM to “buy.”

...I’m not sure what you’re trying to say or if that’s even supposed to be an insult? Regardless I’m fairly certain that the employees don’t own the means of production at any of the Detroit automakers. Lmao.

Also, Tesla actually has a lower market capitalization (stock price times outstanding shares) than Toyota, VW, and GM.

Just like Amazon and Uber! Everyone praise The Market and its wisdom!

Looks like John Barron finally found a new gig at FCA!